𝚓𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢

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"I get that you guys have been dating for four months now, but a trip to Japan!" Jinyoung said, in slight disbelief as he watched the foreign members get ready to leave for the airport.

"It's fine. We're going to go visit Midnight's family for Christmas, then we're spending New Years in Osaka." Jeni assured the elder.

"What about Jaebum's family?" Youngjae asked, curious.

"We spent Christmas with them last year, and we visited them last week." Jaebum said, grabbing his keys off of the couch.

"Okay just be safe. We can't have Jeni getting pregnant." Jinyoung said.

"I don't even want a child right now." Jeni said, rolling her eyes as she grabbed both hers and Jaebum's luggage.

"Bye! See you guys in two weeks." BamBam called as the foreign members left the apartment.

big badass

we're just leaving for the airport
have you and jaehyung left yet?

lil badass

yeah, just in security

big badass

we're taking your jet right?

lil badass

yeah, text me when you get here
and i'll meet you in front of security.

"We're taking Midnight's jet to Akita." Jeni whispered to Jaebum.

"That'll make dealing with fans easier."

"How much longer till Gimpo Airport?" Mark asked, looking up from his phone.

"Probably 30 minutes." Jackson suggested, before closing his eyes and leaning back into his seat.

Jeni re-adujsted herself to lean back on her boyfriend's chest.

"May as well get some shut eye." Jeni mumbled.



"Thank god for my wealth." Midnight said, standing up to stretch her legs after the flight.

"Agreed." Jeni said, grabbing her backpack from her seat.

"Ms. Yu, your bags, as well as your guests bags are being moved to your vehicle as we speak." The attendant said.

"Thank you." Midnight said, as the group of four departed of the plane.

"I'm starving. I'm really craving some homecooking right now, babe." Jaehyung said, intertwining his hand with Midnight, as she checked her phone.

"Issac's flying in right now, he'll be at the house in about an hour." Midnight said.

Jaebum and Jeni followed suit, heading into the airport.

They quickly pulled masks and caps on, and made their way towards their vehicle

"Omg! It's Jaebum oppa!"

"Fuck." Jeni whispered, as she grabbed Midnight's hand and they speed up their pace.

"Guys go!" Jaehyung said, looking over his shoulder to now see a large crowd of fans.

The four burst into a run towards the rotating doors.

Jeni opened a manual door quickly, and the other three sped through, before Midnight yanked the door to her limo open and they all piled in.

jeni | got7 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now