Chapter 2: Santana "Blabbermouth" Lopez

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...And look down at the test.

Rachel's POV:
It's been a whole day since I took that damn test. No one can even know that I took it, that it was even a possibility. Kurt would freak and Santana, well my nickname for her is Blabbermouth. She would tell everyone we know. Including Brody. And he CAN NOT KNOW UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

Santana's POV:
I need to find out whether Rachel is pregnant. I know she took a test, I know it. I've got a plan! We're all snowed in and NYADA canceled all their classes. So I'll look through our DVD collection and pick out any movies related to babies, then watch closely for Rachel's reaction.

A few hours later
Rachel's POV:
From the bathroom I can hear Santana talking about my weight to Kurt and Adam. That's it, I can't take this. Although, she can't know that I'm pregnant. I open the bathroom door and yell "Okay, that's it! You're gonna have to move out because this is our sanctuary, and by ours, I mean mine and Kurt's, and frankly, you make me feel uncomfortable and Brody says you make him feel uncomfortable as well!" Kurt tried to mediate but then I got the biggest scare, even more than looking at that test, Santana said, "Okay well let's just watch a movie? I went through our collection and we've got Knocked Up, Hilarity and Rosemary's baby which is obviously Lady Hummel's."

Santana's POV:
Oh she looked so shocked.
"I don't want to watch any of those." Rachel replied quickly. Yep. I was right! I need some more proof, but this was pretty good.
Kurt decided we should watch Moulin Rouge, which I mean just no! During one of the boring parts I went to the bathroom and dug through the trash can. Under a lot of gross stuff, I found a pregnancy test wrapped in toilet paper. Gotcha Berry! Wait..
It said, she was pregnant. Fuck, Berry's in trouble. Wait is it Bro-
It's Finn's. They hooked up at Mr Schuester's bomb of a wedding.
I walked out of the bathroom and said I had something I needed to say. Once again freaking out Rachel but it needed to be done. "I have tried to keep this to myself, but I will be silent no longer..."

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