sleep paralysis. the 'thing'

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My drowsy eyes grew heavier and heavier; forcing themselves shut. My muscles started to unwind, and my heart rate decreased gradually. I felt the feathers from the soft warm pillow I had puffed up just minutes ago. It smelt like sweet perfume; the one that my mother wears on special occasions. The fragrance filled up my nose, making me feel almost safe.
I wiggled my feet together, toe to toe. I'm a strange one; since I preferred to keeps my feet chilled, instead of warm like the rest of my body. I clenched tight to my Teddy Bear. Feeling it's soft fur tickle my skin.

There I was, awake but asleep. The darkroom gave a blackish-red hue; the same color of which hell would be. Shadows from the neighboring trees were scattered across my room, like dice being thrown on aboard. Waving side to side, as if they were engaging in a romantic dance. My eyes move to the left, and I noticed the window was open. I was sure that it was shut before; the action figurines that we're aligned on the windowsill we're toppled over as if something has pushed them. I thought to myself it could have been the wind but, the toys we're quite heavy and had large platforms; so it was highly improbable.

The sound of the clock ticking made my anxiety start to kick in. I tried to turn to my side but I couldn't. It was if I was fixed in position like, an insect stuck in amber. Sweat started to form and drip down my skin. Leaving cold trails of wet down both cheeks.
I had the urge to budge, but I simply couldn't. I was stuck facing the dimpled ceiling of my room.

To my luck my body rolled over, leaving my back exposed to the air, cooling me down quite significantly. And leaving me facing the wardrobe. But still, something did not feel right.

The rain started to fall outside, pounding against the roof. I could hear each and every droplet. From time to time, the room flashed brightly from the lightning.

The rain got heavier and heavier, the wind grew stronger, thunder crashed louder.

Until. My eyes fully focused. I could see a devilish looking creature look down at me from the corner of the position, n, thin enough that its bones were visible. Its head was large in comparison to its body, making it look almost childlike. Its eyes glowed a luminous red, bright enough that it made the whole room glow red. Maybe it had been there the whole time, explaining the strange hue of the bedroom. It was in a strange position; it looked as if it was clinging to the corner of the room. But it's scarlet eyes were fixed to mine. Slowly. It moved across the ceiling getting closer and closer to me, until...
It was directly above my head. Still, it stared at me, smiling at me. What was this creature, and what did it want from me?
Blood started to form in its eyes; which then dripped onto my face. I'd say about three drops every thirty seconds.
It drove me insane. But maybe I was, perhaps, this was just a part of me that is concealed in the lowest depths of my brain?

Its mouth opened. Wide, wide enough that you could fit your head inside. It hung closer and closer to my face. Until it was only about 15 deadly centimeters away from the tip of my nose.
It's evergrowing mouth continued to expand in size; at the same rate, it moved closer to me.

I was sure that this thing was here to kill me, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

Just at the moment, I thought my life would cease. I woke up. I was in the same position but the thing wasn't there anymore. The hue of the room was no longer bloody red. I turned to the window; it was shut, and the figurines we're still standing with pride and dignity.

I jolted out of bed and switched the light on. This made me feel so much better.
"It was just a dream."
I said to myself.
I sighed with relief. I ran my fingers through my greasy hair and searched my scalp. I was still sweating a considerable amount. So I wondered my hands across my cheeks. Like a lonely villager searching for water.

But my hand was met with not what I thought it would meet.
I anxiously looked down towards my hands; what I saw was...

-the end-

This short story was based on a real-life event that happened when I was 11. Although I exaggerated and twisted some parts of the story.

As I have said before, this is my second piece of writing. So please be kind. :)

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