-happy death day-

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Hi, guys, I have been writing one-shots, so I have come to the conclusion that I should challenge myself to write a really long story. :D

Wish me luck!


Chapter one 'James'


"Mum!" I screamed from the top landing of our 19th-century house.
"Put my lunch bag on the side will you?" I shouted.
"Ok, Hunny. Make sure you eat all of it, I don't want you to go hungry!" She shouted back in a soft voice.
"Ok mum!" I said.

I picked up my tie from my desk and clipped it onto my white shirt, tugging it to make sure it is secure, I was getting ready for school; the last day before we break up for the summer vacation. I am so excited, to go to cinemas hang with my friends and to do no homework. Best of all I don't need to put up with Mr.Rogers.

Bvvvvv bvvvvv bvvvvv.

My phone vibrated loudly, someone must have been calling me, bc my phone was making a ringing noise I didn't know it ever made. I started to look for it, searching everywhere, under the bed, my desk, in my wardrobe.

Bvvvvv bvvvvv bvvvvv.

It continued to buzz for about 2 minutes until it stopped.
I still continued to search anyway, I needed it since I was going to school soon. drowsy, I grabbed my torch, and kneeled down on my hands and knees, them pressing my cheek against the carpeted floor below me. Looking under the bed for my phone.
"Ah got ya."
I reached out my hand to reach it and went on recent calls to see who had called me.

'Missed call from James'

I was puzzled, James never calls me, ever. We tend not to get on that very well, what did he want? I saw that there was also a text in my inbox.

'Darren hi, I'm an eel. You lope, six posts'
I looked in total confusion, was it a prank, or was he high. I some know?

Anyway, I put my phone in my zipped pocket in my raven blazer, feeling it drop and slide across my bus card.
That reminded me, the buss. I checked my watch, 7:30 I was 3 minutes late.
"Fuck!" I said in a pissed of voice.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" My mum said behind my door.
"Nothing mum, just running late that all," I said.
"Ok just get going, don't be too late." She said kindly.

I opened the door, there she was, my mum in her dressing gown, holding a cup of tea. She gave me a kiss on the forehead before I left to go to school. It made me feel less angered, calm even.

I sprinted down the stairs, jumping down a whole flight, landing on my heavy feat. I opened the door, and the warm morning air hit me right in the face. Bliss. I ran to the bus stop, avoiding the pedestrians. My heart rate increased, I tried to catch my breath. I eventually caught up with it when I realized I was at the bus stop.

Nottingham:1- due

"Thank fuck for that," I muttered under my breath.

Maybe I'm not going to be that late, after all, I look right, searching for the bus until I see it slowly moving forward over the horizon. The buss looked as it was waving since the heat bent the light around it.

The bus pulled up to the curb, it lowered slowly allowing an old lady with a Zimmer frame to get of.
As she took her step off, she stared at me as she walked, pushing her lips to her nose as if I were a piece of dirt.

"Ok boomer," I said sarcastically.

I unzipped my blazer pocket and took out my buss card, scanning it on the scanner.
"Go on then." The bus driver said. He looked as if he was fed up with his job, seeing the same people every day, making the same route every day. It must be life draining.

6 hours later, the school has finished, the tired me walked back to the bus stop. Wretching step by wretching step.
The dreadfully pe lesson I had earlier is what got me down. Football. I am not the sportiest of people, in fact, I hate sport with a passion. I'm always the last one who gets picked, and when I try to play people say 'what was that?' But when I do try they say 'what was that?' I can't ever win.
I myself preferred sports that are less needy. Such as snooker or pool, or maybe a game of darts now and again. That's my sort of sport. Sooner as I knew it I ended up at home, laying on my bed, relaxing my muscles, letting them and myself unwind from the needy day we both have had. I run my hands against my legs, messaging them, maybe that would help ease the pain. They were screening at me, telling me, up up. No, not there, yeah that's the spot.

Ping. My phone (on the desk) pinged, which left a lingering sound that slowly faded. I slowly shuffled to the side, getting out my bed, my head felt a dizzy haze, and the blood rushed to my head, spinning it side to side.
I picked up the phone and saw that it was a message from James.
'Hidden message'
"What on earth was this meant to mean?" I murmured. I remember suddenly he sent me a puzzling message earlier, I scrolled 2 swipes up and saw the message he sent before school.
My face went blank, drained of its blood. Feeling guilty, my heartbeat 10 times harder as it did earlier. And I started to shake.

'Darren hi, an eel. You lope, six posts'
I realized that the first letter of each second word, created in the word that sent chills that travel done my spinal chored. Giving my shooting brains in my head as I try and think what has gone off? Is he ok?

I ran downstairs' rushing to get out and find James until I hear my mum catch her breath and cry.

"Oh dear, isn't this just terrible, who would do such a horrible thing?" I asked what was wrong. All she did was freeze and pointed towards the telly vision.

"A boy, aged 16 has been found dead outside 'toy shop Wearhouse'
It is speculated that he has been diseased for about 8 hours.
Here is 'Jenny Kelly' at the scene."

A tear creeped out of my eye, and I came to a shocking conclusion. If James was dead, them who was the person who texted me earlier?

End of chapter 1


Chapter 2 going deep.

I ran upstairs, my mum still crying and so am I. I laid down on my bed, with my eyes fixated on the bumps on the ceiling.
Why would someone do such a thing? And why did he text me? What's the deal with me? Am I in danger? I kept asking myself these questions. It led me to think that I needed to do something about it. But how?

Three days have passed, it is the third day of the summer break. And poor James has been dead for 3 days. Long gone, Darren has been curious, in which it may not be for his own good.

Monday, I decided to go to the place of James' death. It was around eleven o'clock, and the night was black. The only light that was present was the glow of the street lamps on each side of the roads. The roads were not busy, obviously because it was 11 at night and most people were asleep, but because the road was shut off. So the area was out of bounds I had to climb over the fence to get here.
I started to wonder around, searching for clues until I came across a tree, it had yellow ribbons wrapped around it with pictures of James, flowers stood in a memorial at the bottom of the plant with messages from family.
I kneeled down and grabbed one.
'R.i.p James.'
I put the note down, it was a simple note, almost thoughtless.
Until I realized that it was double-sided, so I picked up the small piece of card and placed my thumb and finger at the bottom firmly.

'Hello Darren, look dark, but not too deep. Search close and not too far, the answers you seek are not far.'

"Oh my God," I said trembling with fear.
I buried my head in my fluffy coat comforting my self in the time of need.

"Today has been enough." I said to myself.
Tomoroe is another day, but I'm not going to quit until I uncover the truth.

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