"slender" ~(a slenderman story)~

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Hail crashed down from the heavens violently as the people of earth suffered the wrap of Freyr. *(Norse God of precipitation and fertility)
I could see my reluctant reflection in the puddles of water below. I stopped and looked down at my mirrored self; smiling, I raised my hands and waved as if I were a total stranger; waiting for a reaction.
The sounds of moving cars from the neighboring motorway filled the air with tension.

The street and the motorway we're singled out by a row of ponderosa pines that stood tall and dwarfed the housed that stood below the branches.

I peered over to the right, towards the  James family. Admiring there a raven black cat with luminous green eyes. It was rummaging through the brown dustbin, looking for scraps, like a vulture scavenging over a dead zebras corpse.

I whistled; it froze and looked around to see where the noise was coming from, it couldn't see it carried on its own way, searching for bits of leftovers.

The lampost let out bright orange lights, which lot up the neighborhood like dozens of candles. A crow flew by and landed on one, it looked lost. Looking around probably to find a mate, or maybe it has lost its chicks?

A flock of birds; about 200, flew out from a tree near 26th Street. Squeeking not songs, but voices of terror and anguish. The bushes that surrounded the tree started to move as if there was something inside it moving around.

The bush carried on the hustle around for about 3 minutes. Whereas I was just staring into the void of nothingness.

Moments later; a figure started to appear, it was unclear to see what it was since the fog was quite thick, so it was unrecognizable.

The wind blew the fog away, as it drifted to the left. Revealing the figure.

It was tall a tall creature, in the shape of a man. A smartly dressed man, in fact, wearing a slick black suit, which looked, tailor-fitted. He wore a brilliant white shirt which strangely was the same hue to his face.
His face had no features of any sort, just nothing but white. No eyes, no mouth, no nose. Nothing.

He stood still, nothing moved but his head, which slowly tilted to its side.

I anxiously took out my phone to record what I saw. But there was no luck, the screen of my device showed nothing but static. I was bamboozled.
What is going on? Is this just in my head? Is this a dream?

I tried to make my phone work, frantically clicking buttons, taking no notice of my surroundings.

Words started to show on my phone, black in color. It looked as if it was being slowly written in real-time. I gazed closely.

'Look up'

At this point, goosebumps formed all over my body, and I could smell the absence of danger.

I did what the screen had told me to do, and looked up hesitantly. I could not see my surroundings, but what my eyes were met with was the man. The tall and slender man.

Petrified, I froze in my place. There was nothing I could do, but wait and hope that I will wake up and that this would be nothing but a night terror.

I tried not to look at him, not like there were any eyes to make contact with but I would not dare to take the chance.

Moments later, black, firm, squid-like tentacles wrap around my arms and torso; lifting my body up effortlessly.
My legs were left dangling freely, swaying ever so slightly I'm the wind.

I was left with no choice to stare into his face, I could see that he had scares where it looked as if he has been scratched up by a small child.

A shuttle hole started to form on his face, which exposed thousands of small tiny teeth. The hole grew, showing more of the man's triangle-shaped teeth.

The tentacles pulled me closer and closer to the man's face until the hole was the size of my head.

-Seconds later-

My lifeless body was lying on the hard, wet floor.
My spirit hovered over my corpse.

Surprisingly I was not scared, and I looked around for the man who had done this to me, but there was no sight of him.
All I could see was a body with no face, not the man's, but my half bit off the head.

~The end~

~yet again, please be nice I'm new ok~

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