-the other side-

79 6 2

Tap, tap, tap.

"I know your in there!"
He said.

He thumped on the door; like if he was hitting a nail into a block of wood.

"Go away!"
I yelled.

"I just want to play"
He said in a creepy, child-like voice.
"Common I know you in there."

I backed away from the door, shaking, breathing vigorously.

Petrified, I slowly backed into the kitchen, walking like a mouse; making minimal sound, to avoid detection.

I opened all of the kitchen drawers, frantically looking for a source of defence. I came across a display of knives.
They were an array of all different types of knives:
Small ones with smooth edges; ones you would normally cut fruit with.
They were a huge butchers knife; a large rectangle on with a hole in the corner.
Mine moved likely from side to side, debating on which one to use.
Until I came across two bread knives;
Long thin ones with rigid edges.
I thought that these could be useful since they could probably do more damage.

Shaking, I put the knife in the slot between my belt and jeans, so it was hidden, and if he did break in he wouldn't be expecting me to attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He continued to shout, tormenting me with each and every single word. Motivating me more and more to kill him.

"Open the Goddam fucking door!" He screamed.

I discreetly walked towards the door, keeping myself away from the letterbox; in case he had a blade that he could put his hand through.

"I'm losing my patience."
He said softly.

"N, n, no!" I said.

"I won't hurt you, I promise."
He said as if he was talking to a young child.

This pissed me off, I tried to hide my emotion. Keeping it at a distance away from him.

I heard footsteps, they weren't his. I knew this since he was still begging me to let him in.

"Excuse me, sir, I shall ask you to leave." A voice said.


"Stop! Please, I bet you stop!"

I take my hand to my mouth, I knew that the man had killed him. My heart Rate grew and grew; until I could feel the pulse in my temple.
I took a few deep breaths.

Stupidly, out of curiosity, I peered through the hole in the door, to see who the poor man was.
But my eyes were not met with his corpse, but the hazel iris of the killer.

I jumped back in utter horror.
Terrified, a lone tear seeped out from my aching eyes, past my cheek, into my unsaturated mouth. The salty taste made me gag and woozy.

I ran upstairs; into my room. Hiding under my bed like a small child hiding from a monster.

It was a tight fit, I was suffocated by the bars of the bed pressing against my back, pushing my chest to the floor. But still, I did not feel safe, knowing that he was still down there waiting for me. Waiting for the right time to kill.

"Right! Have it the hard way!" He said with annoyance.
"I just wanted to play with you."

I heard the door crash down; falling to the floor violently.
The noise of which terrified the crap out of me. Because I knew that he was coming.

"Come out come out where ever you are!" He said.

Faint, I heard footsteps, slowly getting louder, more vivid, more distinct.

I pushed my self deeper under the bed, for extra security.

He entered the room.

I could see his feet, terrified I was. I gave God my last prayer, begging for mercy.

"You have a nice family." He said.
He knew that I was in the room since he said it softly.

"A husband and three kids ai?" He said.
"They look like they will miss you a lot."

I held my breath. Keeping all oxygen in; not daring to breathe out.

"Let's put that theory to the test shall we?" He muttered under his breath.

I took out the bread knife from my belt. Like a samurai summoning his sword.

I no longer saw his wandering feet, instead, my eyes met his knees and hands. He gradually got lower; the atmosphere was intense. A serious chill travelled down my spine; giving me pins and needles in all parts of my body. My head grew hot; a kettle heating over boiling point.

His long, greasy, green hair started to show; tangled in knots.
Then his chin; and I noticed that his skin was painted white, with bright rosy blood oozing from his mouth.
We extended stares, I'm petrified, he is calm and seems not to have a nervous bone in his body.

I slowly gripped the bread knife, whilst he gave me a chilling smile. I'm sure he is some sort of psychopath. He needed to be put in an asylum; and for the key to be thrown in a river.

I couldn't wait, I tensed and gripped the knife more firmly.

"Take this bitch!" I said.

I pushed the blade into his right eye. Blood poured everywhere, covering the carpet in a deep burgundy red.

Somehow, he still managed to push out a huge, ear-piercing laugh. A laugh which looked like it physically hurt him. He gagged and choked until his chuckle fell silent...

His eyes did not blink, his muscles relaxed, and blood still poured from his mouth.

I reached out two fingers and shut his eyes. Almost feeling remorse for him, since I knew he was mentally damaged.

A tear made its way down my face, tickling my cheek; but I didn't bother to with it away.

-5 hours later-

{Tv news}

The joker has been fount dead in an apartment upstreet, north of Gotham city. Along with a brave young woman left traumatised by the events that happened roughly about 5 hours ago.
The woman is not harmed, and the investigation will be looked into promptly.

-The end-

Please don't judge my poor writing skills :)

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