
34 3 1

There I lay, in my metal cased bed. The steel bars pressing into my back slowly but violently. The pain didn't matter anymore, the pain wasn't real. Maybe it has never been anything but an Illusion? A way to give ourselves sympathy or make our problems feel relevant.

I look down at my bitten arm when my eyes meet my wristwatch.
my face went pale, drained of blood. I could feel the pulse in my head. Beat by beat like there was a herd of elephants running in my veins. I started to wave my arms about, one arm on both sides of my torso, wafting them eagerly until I had pins and needles at the end of my fingertips.

"Noo noo noo" I howled.
"They're coming again! Help" I screamed with internal pain.
"Help!" My throat burned from my cries.
Still... No one came.

The lights flickered, quickly leaving for there nightly routine.
The room began to feel as if it was shrinking, downsizing itself by the second. Closing in on me. Suffocating the life out of my already lifeless body.

Silence hit the ground, staying for a few seconds. A few seconds of petrifying nothingness.
I curled up into a tight ball, wrapping my arms around my legs, locking them tightly with my bruised knuckles.

The voices in my head started to talk to me. They sensed my danger. "It's your time now." One voice said. "Ready to die?" Another voice added.
"Go away!" I wept. "Leave me alone!"

A ghostly sound slowly entered my ears. Instantly freezing me in the ball position I had put myself into. My muscles started to tense, solidifying as if I had looked into the callous eyes of medusa. My blood runs cold, cold enough that I could feel every pulse enter and leave my heart. My eyes fixated in front of me, anchored at the wall.

I managed to blink...

My eyes opened, I was no longer in the cell of the asylum but in a shower, one of the ones with the glass panes around it.
I looked down at my arm to see that there were no signs of trauma or even a scratch.

Have I woken up? Woken from a life long nightmare? Woken from a life of pain?

I stood still for about a minute, my body peacefully swaying side to side to the sound of silence. The steamy water dripping down my cleansed face.

Until a split moment where I looked down at my arms, the shower was no longer dispensing water, but blackish-red blood.
My stomach felt as it had collapsed. Like someone was brutally squeezing it with there bare hands.

A took a sudden deep breath, as I saw a withered hand place itself on my shoulder. It had a firm grip and long sharp nails. The nails we're individual knives digging into my shoulder.
It violently turned my soulless body towards it, with my eyes meeting his, his face was abnormally long, circular black eyes, slits for nostrils and a wide smile that revealed its yellow-stained teeth of death.

It took its second hand, and knifed it into my heart, showing no mercy.

My lifeless body hit the ground, falling down into a cave-like area, I was dead. But my consciousness lived on as I could feel the man-eating me, bit by bit, piece by piece, chunk by chunk.

The end-

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