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The next morning, Will woke up and looked out his window to see a sky full of storm clouds . The sky reminded him of the storm in the last dungeons and dragons game he played. He didn't like thinking about it too much but suddenly, an idea came over him. He wanted to get together and play D&D with his friends! Even though the last time they played it had not ended well but that doesn't mean he and his friends can't try and play it again. A lest this time Max, El and Kristen will hopefully be playing with them this time.
He grabbed his walke talke
off of the bedside table and called the group. " guys you there?" He asked.
"Yah, what Will?" Mike answered. Although Will wouldn't admit it to himself, he loved the sound of sleep in mikes voice.
"Wanna come here and play D&D?" Will walked to the kitchen to get some eggos from el's secret Stash.
"Yah, sure! I'll be right over". Mike said. Lucas and the others soon answered and showed up at his door. The headed to the basement and set up. Mike sat down beside El and Will say sat down on Mikes other side. Mike caught Will looking at him and thought nothing of it.
"Wait I want to use the Will the wise character Kristen, I'm always him". Will said, snapping out of his daze.
"Oh, sorry, will. I didn't kbow". Everyone turned to look at Will as Kristen turned her face to her lap, she had never liked uncomfortable situations.
" it's okay." Will said, and then added "sorry I snapped at you, I didn't really mean to." Because Mike had kicked him in the shin for the sad puppy look on her face. Will thought Mike had left his foot an his anckle longer than necessary, and the thought made him blush.
"I'm always the wizard character". Kristen giggled with embarrassment .
Then the game started, a very intense one too. Mike started to get uncomfortable because Will kept touching his foot with his. Will was only doing it because of what Mike had done earlier. God, he loved how his hair got in his eyes.
Kristen kept looking at Will and when he saw her they both turned away blushing. When El caught Kristen smiling she asked "What's so funny?"
Kristen just smiled bigger and said "nothing".

Later that evening, Steve and Robin went out dancing to meet people. Robin was keeping a close eye out for Kathryn, who of which she would have invited if she hadn't ran off before she got her number.

About a half hour after, Robin saw Kathryn walk in.
"Hey!" Robin said trying to play it cool, but dramatically failing. On her way over to Kathryn , she tripped and fell, spilling her drink all over the guy's feet standing next to her.
"Oh!" Kathryn helped Robin up.
"Oh, thanks". Robin mumbled. Then to the poor fellow who's sneakers were now soaked with punch "sorry man".
"Whatever". He said then walked away with his girlfriend.
"It's good to know that I'm not the only clumsy person" Kathryn says with a huge smile. Robin didn't reply because she was to distracted look at her.
Kathryn looked at her funny for a couple seconds then said; "Hey, do you want to hang out at sometime I've seen you at school and I'd say you are pretty cute." Robin was starting there with her mouth open." It's okay if you don't feel that way."
Robin replies "Yeah I would love too."
"Oh thank god I was worried for a bit there." As Kathryn walked away Steve came up to Robin. "Steve I just got a date with Kathryn!" Robin says with a bundle of excitement. "Wait really?! Good job Robin!" She was happy that Steve was still friends with her and loved her for her.
The next day the party was out and bout. "Hey Will can we talk for a bit?"
Will turns to look at El "Yeah sure?"Will says. They walk behind a local store. El looks behind her to make sure no one was following them.
"Will do you love Mike?" Will doesn't reply. "It's just that you have been looking at him and things like that."
Sure Will likes Mike. He would do anything for Mike. It's just he also likes Kristen. He doesn't understand with how that works how can he like both? "No, I don't love him". As he was saying this he could feel his heat brake.
"Oh well do you like Kristen because she told me she likes you". Will was happy to hear that a least one of his crushes likes him back.
"I think I do?" And that was that he and El met back up with the others.
"What took you guys so long ?" Kristen asked. El looked at Will and giggles. Everyone else is just standing there confused.
Everyone is now doing their own thing."umm... Will, I have something to tell you." Will looks up to her in concern. He just hopes she doesn't tell him she loves him because he's not sure if he does. He knows he likes Mike but is about eighty present sure he likes her back. "Today when we were playing D&D I saw El move a pillow the was behind Mike and put it on her lap without moving. Do you know anything about that?"
Will looked up at her in shock. Had eleven gotten her powers back without telling anyone or was she still confused with how it happened.
"No, I don't know anything about that. are you sure you weren't just seeing things?"
"Yeah I'm sure but if you don't believe me I don't care." After that they walked off.

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