What is Trust

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Joyce woke up and looked around and realized that she couldn't find Hopper, but then she remembered with what happened and wasn't sure if she wanted to find him.

"Joyce your up." Nancy says to Joyce walking over to her with a glass of water.

"Here drink this." She tells her. Joyce says a small thank you before taking a sip.

"Ummm...where's Hopper?" Joyce asks Nancy nervously. Nancy looks at her with pity before answering.

"He's still in that room with El. Nether of them have came out of that room. El just uses her powers to get food. I feel bad for Mike because he's worried that the same thing that happened to you will happen to El." Nancy tells her. Joyce feels kind of bad for him, but she still did fear him which bad her feel terrible. She still loves him because she knows just knows that whatever happened it that room it wasn't the Hopper she knew, but that still didn't mean that she was not going to be careful around him.

"Wait how long was I out for?" Joyce asks.

"Oh yeah. Probably should have told you that, anyway you've been out for a day and a half." Joyce sits up quickly and winces in pain.

"Shit!" Joyce mumbles under her breath. Will walks over to her and Nancy.

"How are you doing mom?" Will asks sitting down next to her as Nancy leaves.

"I'm doing good, but I can't believe I've been out for over a over a day. Also, Will do you mind telling with what happened while I was out?" Joyce asks him. Will nods before speaking.

"Well about an hour after you passed out Hopper tried to come out of the room to apologize to you, but

Johnathan made him go back into the room and after that he never tried to come out again. Nothing else really has happened. Well there was Mike trying to get El out of the room, but she wasn't having any of that. She even used her powers to keep the door closed." Will says.

"Why didn't she want to leave the room?" Joyce asks.

"Well she thinks that someone was controlling him like the Mind Flyer was controlling me." Will informs her.

"I mean I guess that makes sense since that's not something he would do on his own free will, but I still don't think that she should be in the same room as him though." Joyce tells Will. Will just nods in agreement.

"I'll go and talk to her." Joyce tells him getting up and walking over to the bed room. Joyce knocks on the door. It opens by itself. When she walks into the room to see both Hopper and El sitting down on the ground next to each other. She notices the fact that the knife isn't to far from them. When she looks around on the ground, she can see blood, her very own blood.

"Hello mom! It's good to see that your up now." El tells her. Hopper doesn't say or do anything.

"So, what are you two doing?" Joyce asks them. El stands up and walks over to her.

"I'm trying to see with who is controlling his mind." El informs her. This time Hopper does nod.

"Oh okay." Joyce says as El walks out the room. Joyce is about to follow her, but before she can Hopper tries to grab her left arm. Joyce turns around fast in fear that he will attack her again. She looks at him in fear. She can see Hopper's face change from one of confusion to one of hurt.

"Sorry, shouldn't have done that." Hopper says as he walks out of them room hurt and angry.

"Hop wait...I'm sorry." She says following him. As they walk out of the room and everyone watches them. He keeps walking, when he gets to the door, she thinks that he's going to stop there, but he doesn't. When she looks around, she remembers with how close they were when they were last in this spot. She follows him outside.

"Hopper where do you think your going?" Joyce asks him.

"Anywhere but here!" He tells her. Joyce just looks at him worried.

"Don't. You can't leave you don't have your memory back fully yet." She tells him with tears in her eyes. Joyce knows that Hopper will leave and if she's being honest with herself, she doesn't want him to leave.

"Why does it matter, no one wants me to be with them! They all fear me." He says that lats bit with what Joyce would say self-hatred.

"And how do you know this! Huh!" Joyce says getting mad, well she doesn't know if she's mad or sad at the idea that he may be leaving.

"Did you not see with how everyone was looking at me when we left the room? Huh!" Joyce just shakes her head.

"Well they all looked at me in fear. Fear Joyce. And don't say too don't feel the same because we both know with what just happened it that god dam room!" Hopper yells at her. The worst part is that fact that he's not wrong, she does fear him, but she still loves him. She can feel her self-shaking from where she's been crying. No one says anything and Hopper just continues walking. Joyce can't bring herself to move. So, she just stands there in self-pity.

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