8. the end

941 33 76

At the funeral

Yuri's POV

I look around, only a few people. 'Let's see, Monika, Sayori, afe few of our classmates, some teachers... her dad.' I stomp up to him. He looks at me with sad eyes, lined with guilt. He's a few inches taller than me.


"Huh? What did you say?"

"Why did you abuse her?" He pauses. "Sh-she told you?" I look away and nod.

He sighs. "I guess you were her most trusted friend then... were, you the one she kept on sneaking away with?" I nod again. 

I then speak up. "A-about that, Natsuki and I were actually... d-dating." His eyes widen and he looks down.

"W-why didn't she tell me?" He asks trembling. "W-well," I start. "S-she was afraid that you were ho-homophobic and that you would hate her more. Sh-she was scared."

"Oh god. What have I done? I beat her up to the extent that she was afraid of telling me anything. Why did I do this?" He starts breaking down sobbing. I start walking away giving him space and went to the bathroom to sob myself.

'I have to do this, I can't live without her. She means too much. I just want to see her right now.' I sob harder and feel my knife that I snuck in. It was pink and small, like Natsuki. 'Don't worry. I'll see you soon babe.'

Sayori's POV

I was clenching onto Monika trying not to cry. "Monika, kiss me." She kisses me. "Thank you." She smiles sadly and replies. "Your welcome baby. You're my sunshine, i'll never leave you."

I smile at her then I see Yuri walking out of the bathroom with puffy eyes. 'She looks so tired. We all miss her but she has it the worst.' Then we go to sit and the ceremony starts.

 We sit and I see her dad. I grit my teeth. 'This is all your fault.'  

Then the preacher starts. "We are all here for the death of Natsuki ( What ever her last name is) A friend, a classmate, a student, a daughter, and most importantly, a girlfriend. She has been taken away before she could even start her adventure of adulthood. Her last words, 'Yuri'" I see  Yuri's eyes widen and tear up, she covers her face and leans to who I imagine are her parents. "The name of her lover, I now give the chance for anyone to give a speech." 

Then Natsuki's dad's hand raises. "The father of Natsuki shall speak first." He then stands to the side and lets Natsuki's dad stand up. "M-my daughter was one of a kind, even if I didn't treat her like it. She was truly a wonderful human. So stong even... even when her mom commited suicide." Many people gasp.

"Even when the person she needed the most, turned their back on her. A-and that person who turned their back on her was... me and I regret it so much. She died because I was a sorry excuse of a father and she ran away when I punched her in the eyes. Sh-she ran even though she couldn't see. She just wanted to get away from me. I will turn myself to the police after this." He bowed and went back to his seat and looked at Yuri. 

Next up was Monika. She went up and spoke. "Natsuki was a great friend and was very caring even if she didn't like showing it. She never turned her back on anyone that needed help, even though she, herself needed help. But she toughed it out, letting no one know so they didn't worry. She was selfless, kind,  caring, and a tsundere. I will never forget all the times she made everyone laugh." She bows and walks to me.

It's now my turn. "Natsuki was my best friend, she was always cute, being mad at anything, but being cute especially when she was in love with Yuri. She wasn't really good at hiding her feelings. I knew she liked Yuri before she herself knew she was in love. We helped each other secretly, letting no one know. We had so much fun together everyday. I will always remember her as a friend and as a sister." I walk back to Monika and hug her.

Our classmates and teachers went then lastly Yuri went up. I could see she was crying all the way to the podium. She went up and took a deep breath. "Natsuki was my lover. She was so cute no matter what happened. She is my one true love, my first and last love." Everyone murmured at the sentence.

 " I love her too much to move on. Plus... a dead person can't fall in love again." I then realize what was happening. "I can't live without her." I start yelling. "STOP HER PLEASE STOP HER! I CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER FRIEND!" I cry. 

People rush towards her as she takes her knife out. She runs to Natsuki's coffin laughing, kisses her dead body and stabs herself 3 times while laughing. Everyone screams. Monika and I rushed to her and cry. 

"No. no. no. no. Don't leave us. Stay strong don't die." I whisper as I shake her. Monike checks Yuri's pulse. I see her face drop. "Th-there's no pulse." I look at her and start sobbing. Yuri's parents run up and takes Yuri in their arms.

"No. no. My baby, don't leave us." Her mom whispers. Monika speaks up. "Ma'am I checked for Yuri's pulse. It wasn't there." She just sobs. It starts raining. The ambulance arrive too late. 

Third person POV

The funeral was all over the news. Natsuki did as he said and turned himself into the police.   

 Sayori was too depressed, Monika couldn't help her. The death of two friend stressed her so much that she hung herself.

 Monika started drugs after Sayori's death. She also started to drink. She cried for the rest of the year and killed herself on Sayori's birthday. 

The school was closed for three months. There was no more literature club since there wasn't any other members. There was a memorial for the girls at he front of the school. It read:

Yuri, Natsuki. 


Monika, Sayori.


These four girls were part of the first literature club and had a strong bond. The bond was so strong that once Natsuki died there was a chain of suicides made by the other Three.

The order of deaths was Natsuki, Yuri, Sayori, then Monika.

Natsuki's death: Car crash while escaping child abuse. Yuri's death: Suicide by knife.

Sayori's death: Suicide by hanging. Monika's death: Suicide by overdose.

The four girls were buried naxt to each other. The row was Monika's grave, to the right was Sayori's grave, to the right was Natsuki's grave,o the right was Yuri's grave. This event burned a mark in history, staying there for eternity. 

Hello, OE Gaming here. If you don't like the ending then you can check out the Alternate Ending story. In that story it's going to last longer with more chapters, it's also an AU and there may or may not be an anime/manga crossover. Bai~ -OE Gaming

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