7. She's dead?

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Yuri's POV

It's the end of the school day now. I didn't see Natsuki anywhere today. Then the PA turns on. 'What's happening?' "Ahem. Hello students, we are here to inform you that Natsuki (what ever her last name is) from class 2C has been in a car crash and has died on impact. We would like the school to have a moment of silence for this girl who has been taken away too early... thank you. We will announce the funeral date once it has been sorted out.-----------------" I just block out the rest of the announcement out.

'N-natsuki d-died?' I put my head in my hands. I start to hyperventilate and cry. 'N-no, I-I saw her ri-ri-right there th-this morning smiling, waving go-goodbye to me saying 'I love you too.' S-she can't be gone. Sh-she can't leave m-me in this cr-cruel world al-alone.' The other students start to notice me and whisper.

"Oh yeah, they were dating."

"She must feel horrible."

"Is she okay?"

I start to panic. I start giggling, then laugh. then I laughed so extremely that I fell off my chair. I started to scratch my head looking down, laughing insanely. Whispering "No no no, hahaha. Sh-she can't be gone, I saw her standing there this morning. Hehehehehe, she can't leave me alone. HehehehehahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I start scratching my face off. "She's not dead. She's not dead! SHE'S NOT DEAD! SHE CAN'T BE! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!" My uniform now drenched with blood and tears. I pull my sleeve up. Everyone gasps. I take out my knife and cut. Laughing, crying, cutting.

1 cut.

2 cuts.

3 cuts.

4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20. "HehehehehehahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I pass out.

Monika's POV

Me and Sayori were talking about how Natsuki wasn't in any of our classes when the PA turns on. "Ahem. Hello students, we are here to inform you that Natsuki (what ever her last name is) from class 2C has been in a car crash and has died on impact. We would like the school to have a moment of silence for this girl who has been taken away too early... thank you. We will announce the funeral date once it has been sorted out. We will also like say her last words before she was completely gone. Her last word said was, 'Yuri'. If anyone knows why her last words was Yuri, please come to the office. Thank you for listening." 

A few students get up and walk out of the room, so i'm guessing that they're going to the office.

At this point Sayori is freaking out and sobbing, I'm hugging crying lightly.

"N-no sh-she can't be d-dead." Sayori says in between sobs. "Pl-please tell me it's not true, pl-please."

She looks up at me, clenching my clothes. I look back at her. I think she could tell from my look that this probaly wasn't a joke. Then I thought 'Yuri'

"Sayori we have to check on Yuri. She must feel horrible." Then we hear ambulance sirens. We go to the hallways and see them run down the halls with a stretcher.

They enter a room. "Mo-monika, th-that's Yuri's classroom." We run to the room they went to, and see Yuri being put on the stretcher, her arms covered in blood and cuts.

"Oh my god, Yuri!" We both yell and run up to her. There's tears streaming uncontrollably down her scratched up face.

She's whispering "Nat-Natsuki, wh-where are you? I need you." Over and over again.

"Ma'am please step back." The medics say. "Bu-but that's our friend! We need to be with her!" I yell. "We have to! She just lost her lover!" "Tch, fine! But don't bother us."

Then they run to the ambulance and place Yuri down. "Natsuki where... are.. you?" Yuri cries out. "You can't ... be gone... I need you."

She passes out. Me and Sayori are crying like crazy now. Sayori grabbing me and crying on my uniform. I'm looking at Yuri. 'Poor her. She was finally happy. How did Natsuki die without a fight?'

At the hospital

Yuri wakes up again. "NATSUKI I NEED YOU, DONT LEAVE ME! ILL SAVE YOU! YOUR DAD WONT HURT YOU ANY MORE! Just, don't leave me." She goes back to crying. 

Me and Sayori are just staring at her. Then we look at each other. "Does Natsuki's dad abuse her?" I ask Yuri. "Y-yes."

I stand "YOU KNEW THAT AND TOLD NO ONE!?" "M-monika calm down." Sayori says trying to calm me down.

"Sh-she didn't want anyone to know. I couldn't tell anyone since she asked me not to."

I sit back down, and put my head in my hands and think. About what? I don't know, just... think.

"Natsuki, I'll join you soon."

My eyes widen and I look at Yuri. "Yuri, a-are you going to commit suicide?"

"What do you mean? Why is it that you think so?"

"I guess I was hearing things." I sigh, and Yuri starts sobbing again. "Sh-she's really gone, isn't she." "She is." Sayori is asleep and I wipe the leftover tears and n her face. 'How did it come to this?'

"Natsuki I love you. Please come back... or i'll go to you." Yuri mumbles the last part. I stand up laying Sayori down, look at Yuri then go to the bathroom.

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