he has a mommy kink ╳ superm

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SuperM revealing their secret mommy kink

❝ baekhyun ❞

it would more or less

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it would more or less... slip out one intimate night.
you'd be teasing him, nibbling at his sensitive ears, hand caressing the inside of his thigh, him moaning and whiny beneath you. he was always so cute like that, when he finally stopped being an pestering brat and just melted into your touches.


you'd both freeze as the breathless sound passed from his lips, your eyes widening in surprise while his bulged in absolute horror.

"do you have a–?"

"shut up." he'd blush, slightly overwhelmed by his unintentional self exposure. but you'd only grin, planting a reassuring kiss to those adorable pouty lips.

"you're cute, baby boy."


❝ taemin ❞

he'd be anything but shy about it

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he'd be anything but shy about it. the very first night you'd spend together, he'd let you know honestly what he likes and exactly how he likes it. even if he does say it in the sweetest way imaginable because he is the softest baby ;(

he'd blurt it out right in the middle of a very deep, intense make out session, just before your hands could begin wandering to new, unexplored territory.

"I have a mommy kink," the softness and sincerity in his voice would surprise you, and you'd draw away from the kiss with raised brows, "I just wanted to let you know. I know some people aren't into that kind of thing, but I am. if you're not comfortable with that, I understand. I just wanted to be honest with you."

ugh, what an angel.

"a mommy kink?" you'd repeat, tongue gliding over your bottom lip as a slow smirk curled onto your lips, "I think I can roll with that."

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