accidental pregnancy ╳ exo

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exo's reaction to finding out that they accidentally got you pregnant


❝ xiumin ❞

"Well how the hell did that happen?"

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"Well how the hell did that happen?"

"Would you like me to spell it out for you, Min?
I'm pretty sure you know how this kind of thing works."

"Is it mine?"

"Who the fuck else's would it be?"

"I don't know. You and Jongin have been getting pretty cozy recently. Is there something I don't know about?"

"Jesus fucking Christ."

this little fucker.
would probably attempt to conceal his initial shock with poorly placed humor, not fully able to absorb the news you'd just given him. then he'd just get all nervous and fidgety, not able to stop staring at your stomach with wide eyes, like he was attempting to use x-ray vision to see inside of you. can't believe that his dick game so bomb but his pull out game so weak that he got you pregnant.

then starts worrying about the mess it'll make in his beautiful house.

"I'm expecting you to start contributing to the cleaning process, missy."


❝ suho ❞


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questions all reasons for living before finally declaring;
"Fuck it, I'm already a single mother of eight, what's one more?"

then proceeds to be #stressed.
because— a child? the man can handle a lot, but how the hell is he supposed to handle that shit? he was not trained for this. he was on his own with this one— well, you were on your own together. and, he supposed that counted for something.

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