their heat ╳ hybrid!bts

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what it's like when they get their heat
(ft. master kink)

❝ seokjin ❞
sugar glider hybrid

this boy— he'll be the absolute death of you

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this boy— he'll be the absolute death of you.
stuck up, bratty, demanding, needy little shit.

he's like a pregnant women with his mood swings and strange cravings. one second he's happy as can be, giggly and flirty and playful, the next he's pissed off, and the next he's a blubbering, sobbing mess.

seriously, you have trouble keeping up.

his diet also becomes very strange, he'll only eat fruits and sugary foods, and will throw a fit if you try to get him to eat anything else. he demands chocolate and apple juice at strange hours of the night. if you don't have any in the house, he'll whine until you go out and buy some, even if it's one or two in the morning.

now, on the not so pg-13 side of things...

he's still a demanding brat. big surprise. just a slightly shyer demanding brat. he's still got quite the mouth on him, but he blushes like a virgin every time he meets your gaze. having you touching him like that, voice low and growling, gaze dark and penetrating, makes him feel some sort of way. you can be pretty rough with him, you'll probably have to be considering he won't sit still very long.

you might even want to consider a little bondage as well, as punishment for the attitude he's been serving you.
but, that might backfire.

"ha! jokes on you. I like this kind of thing."


❝ yoongi ❞
cat hybrid

be gentle :(kitten will need lots of tender love and care when he's in his most vulnerable state

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be gentle :(
kitten will need lots of tender love and care when he's in his most vulnerable state.

he'll need lots and lots of kisses all over, even if he gets shy and 'complains', don't stop, because he loves it more than he dares to express. he won't be too vocal about what he wants, too embarrassed to admit it out loud. take it slow, take your time warming him up with sweet caresses and cooing praises.

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