kissing him first ╳ exo

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their reaction to you kissing them for the first time

❝ minseok ❞

"close your eyes

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"close your eyes."

minseok's head pivoted in your direction, brow raising into a questioning arch as confusion touched his features. you'd been chilling in his bedroom in comfortable silence, faint music playing from the speaker beside his bed for ten minutes now, just vibing with one another before you suddenly decided to speak up.


"just do it."

he squinted at you suspiciously, but complied nonetheless, eyes falling shut as he let out a sigh. you bit your lip, suppressing any nervousness or doubts you had before leaning over and kissing him.

he inhaled sharply through his nose, eyebrows jumping in shock as his body went stiff for a moment. for a moment, you fear he might push you away. but any worries dissolved as he melted into you, hands raising to cup your cheeks as he sweetly kissed you back.

it wasn't until you could no longer restrain the wide grin that broke out across your face that you finally pulled away. he let out a slow breath, the faintest hint of pink on his cheeks as his gaze darted from your eyes down to your lips and back up again.

"does that mean what I think it means?"
he asked, voice soft.

"if you think it means that I like you and would like nothing more than to be with you, then yes, it means exactly what you think it means."

"fucking finally. do you even know how long I've been waiting to hear those words?"


❝ suho ❞

❝ suho ❞

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