1 - Enter The Underworld Once More...

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Laquan Caelum

I slowly opened my own eyes as I wake up on my bed. My eyes are just as weak as if they were made out of stone. I slowly got up with a small amount of mobility and stretched, trying to eradicate the pain that tightens my head whenever I wake up.

I walked slowly to the mirror to see a reflection of myself. I looked at my black hair and my face of tiresome. I'm only wearing shorts.

I really wish I could just go back to bed and think about amazing things in my head instead of just walking to a land of for living dead like a zombie. If you don't know what's happening, I'll give you a short story.

I'm going back to school again.

I made a sigh so gloomy that I almost let a tear out. Yeah like I'm taking another day so seriously. In fact, going to school is just plain...monotony.

I got out of my room, after staring at my soul in the mirror, and went to the bathroom to shower.


I went to my room after cleaning myself up and went to the closet to change. I put on my long pants, a white shirt with a tie, some shoes, and my favorite hoodie. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled a bit, being proud of how I look.

I chuckled a bit and pat my black hair, admiring my already perfect look.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed myself a bowl of cereal and milk. Silence drops and the house feels so dead. Mainly because I'm the only person awake and my dad's sleeping right now. I finished eating my prosaic breakfast and put my empty bowl in the sink. I grabbed a piece a paper and pen a wrote note to dad.

Hey dad! Just went to school. I hope you do great at work today. Love you dad! - Laquan

I sighed and put my note on the table. I grabbed my backpack and went out of the house before locking the door. I put on my hands on the pockets on my hoodie and walked to the bus stop with a sad sigh. I made it at the bus stop and realized that I'm the only one here. Good thing there aren't people here doing stupid things. I waited for a long time until a bus finally stopped by to pick me up. I went inside and find a seat that people are smart enough to not sit there. I put on my headphones and started playing some relaxing music while waiting to enter the underworld.

Anyways, my name is Laquan Caelum. I am a student at River Oak High School. I'm currently 16 right now. I am sort of antisocial. Because a lot of students really don't talk to me and I have very poor social skills. I'm really bad at making friends and talking to people. Especially to those at the opposite sex. I wish I could tell you more about this but I really can't think about this right now...not yet...


Well, here I am. River Oak High School. I just need to deal with the demons I'm facing to get over this day. I entered the dead realm and moved forward to find my secluded spot. All I just needed to is get past the usually packed hallway then I'll be good...for now. I'm just walking down the hallway, trying my best to not get noticed by anyone. Well, until I heard my name being called.


I was about to turn around to see who was calling me until I was tackled and hugged by another person. I looked at the person who hugged me.

He's a snow leopard (I think) Kuridan with black and purple hair. He is wearing a purple hoodie and black long pants. The kuridan reveals himself to be the only friend I have.

Cayo Dingo.

"Laquan I missed you so much!" Cayo happily said, hugging me tightly.

"W-well i-it's been t-two days since we last saw each other. It's just a weekend. So...can you let go...?" I asked Cayo as my voice went more quieter when I was finishing my sentence. Cayo noticed my discomfort and released me from his soft embrace.

"I-I am so sorry, Laquan! Heh heh..." Cayo quickly apologized and scratched the back of his head while giving me a nervous smile. I smiled back at him.

"It's okay." I was about to take my leave until Cayo grabbed my hand.

"Wait! Don't you want to sit with me?" Cayo asked me while still smiling at me. I was surprised at his question. I don't know why, but sitting with Cayo seems better than sitting alone. He is my only friend after all.

"Well... I was about to sit somewhere else, but I am inclined to say yes." I answered as I nervously smiled. Cayo smiled at my answer as he seemed very happy to hear my positive response.

"Great! Follow me!" Cayo told me. We then started walking together while my hand was still on Cayo's.

Cayo is the only friend I have in high school. Despite that he is the opposite of me. He's an outgoing happy person. Cayo is really good at making friends and socializing with others. We met during a project. It was a solo/duo project. I thought I would be best to just do the project on my own and get this over it. Well, that is until Cayo wanted to pair up with me. That's how we became friends. I could never forget the day that I met the only friend I have.

Oh, and I didn't even tell you what a kuridan is? Well let me explain. Kuridans are a race that makes animals like humans. Most kuridans can think, speak, and act just like humans. Kuridans can walk on two legs and use their own hands just like humans. Kuridans can also have human hair as well. Some can even be omnivores and there can be even shark or spider kuridans.

As we were walking to Cayo's spot, I saw a lot of women giving me surprised and confused looks while the other women were disgusted at Cayo holding my hand. I don't know why these girls keep giving us looks but nevertheless, I never really care that much since Cayo's just my friend and he's taking me to his spot.

Finally, we stopped at what it seems to be an empty bench. We then sat down and looked at each other. I slightly smiled while Cayo smiled brighter than I did.

"How are today?" He asked me, slightly tilting his head.

"Well...I'm doing good...why do you ask?" I responded.

"Because, Laquan, I miss you." Cayo answered, giving me a childish sad look. I give him a slight stern look and sighed.

"It's only a weekend, Cayo. It's not like we don't go to school anymore after Friday." I told him.

"But still. I miss you." Cayo complained like a child, giving me the same look. Cayo can be a bit...I'm not sure...clingy? I know there are times where you couldn't talk to your friends for just a few days. I mean, we haven't talk to each other for the whole weekend and Cayo missed me like we saw each other again after a two week break ended.

"Well, okay then." I responded.


Cayo and I have been hanging out together since we sat down. You know, maybe not sitting on my original spot isn't so bad, since I'm sitting with my friend. And then the bell rang, telling us that it's time to go to class.

"Well, I see you in art. Bye, Cayo!" I said bye to Cayo. We both got up and part ways.

"Bye, Laquan! Make sure you come by here again!" Cayo reminded me. I chuckled and waved goodbye to him. I then head to my first class.

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