3 - Afterschool

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I went back home after an average day of school. I went back to my room, lie down on my bed, and start to think of some things. I start thinking about Cayo. He gave me a brand new spot to sit at, which was better than the last spot I was at. He fed me his lunch when I got hungry and I only have the bad school lunch. And he drew a picture of me.

I mean, it's really nice of Cayo and all, but isn't this a bit...too much? Either he's just being friendly as he was, or maybe he's just a bit...too clingy.

Well, after a day of school, I think it's good to just relax and have your mind rest. And now is the perfect time for me to play some "Kondondria"!

"Kondondria" is an fantasy multiplayer RPG game. It's from a single player RPG game I used to play as a kid.


I've been doing raid bosses with my duo partner named 'HappyJumper9' on Kondondria for quite awhile now. My player's name is 'LonelyGhost'. I may not be good with talking to people in person, but I am good at making online friends and talking to them since it's just typing.

After we took down a few raid bosses, we head back to my base. While we were checking out the loot we got from the bosses, I got a message from HappyJumper9.

HappyJumper9: Hi LonelyGhost! How's your day today? :)

I chuckled at HappyJumper9's message. They kinda remind me of Cayo. I replied to my partner.

LonelyGhost: I'm doing great! Is there something you need?

HappyJumper9: Well.....there's something I want to talk about.

LonelyGhost: what is it?

HappyJumper9: There is this boy I like at school and I'm too scared to talk to him. Is there any advice?

"Hmm?" I slightly tilted my head at HappyJumper9's message. They like a guy at school? Well while I did had girlfriends that time...my relationships with them didn't end great. But I can still give advice from my last one.

LonelyGhost: HappyJumper9, are you friends with him?

HappyJumper9: Yeah! We just hung out today at school! ^_^

LonelyGhost: well if you're good friends with the guy you love, then you should build up ur courage and follow ur heart. And maybe one day when u ask him out, he'll be ur boyfriend!

HappyJumper9: Thnks LonelyGhost!! I think I'm done playing. Thank u 4 the advice! Gotta go! Bye~!!!

And then HappyJumper9 logged out of the game. I did the same thing too since I'm done playing as well. I decided to watch some YouTube.

You know, I did remember HappyJumper9 saying that they hung out with the guy they have a crush on today at school. Reminded me a bit of how Cayo and I hung out at school today...that could be just a coincidence.

Besides, I think HappyJumper9 is actually a girl since 'she' likes a guy in school. But anyways, time to take a break with some ASMR videos...


Author's note: Sorry if this short! I didn't know what else is there to put in this chapter. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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