4 - Dream

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I'm in my room, currently done playing an RPG game. Today I just told my parents about my day today and they told me I was very kind to my friend today! I really just love making others happy. Especially Laquan since he's my very special friend! My mom also told me that she's proud that I found the 'right one'.

What's the right one? The right friend? Now I don't wanna sound mean for having favorites on my friends, but yeah, Laquan is my favorite friend. Or maybe I'm just not looking at things right. Who knows.

But anyways, today was fun! I gave Laquan a good spot to sit at for the rest of the school year, gave him one of the best lunches I ever had, and last but not at least, I drew a picture of my best friend. Oh I really love his reaction when he looked at my picture.

Honestly hanging out with Laquan is actually fun! But when he's not around...we would get lonely... I'm worried that my friend would be wandering around the house all alone while I'm feeling down when I'm not with Laquan...

Oh hey just in time to go to sleep! I took off everything except for my shorts, plop down on the bed, put on my blankie, and went off to have a good night sleep! Good night world! I closed my eyes and whispered one more thing before entering dreamland.

"Good night, Laquan..."


My eyes are still closed, but I feel like I'm not dreaming about anything. Now that I think about it, I feel like I'm not even on my bed. I was laying down on something soft and fluffy. Wait? Soft and fluffy?

My eyes shot open to see myself...on a cloud? I sit up quickly and saw...one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen!

I saw a bright and colorful galaxy with a huge swarm of multi colored butterflies. Then I saw a grassland with a river and a lot of colorful flowers. And then I saw a person looking up at the sky. The person I see now amazes me. Out of everyone I know. It's Laquan in this wonderful world I'm at right now!

"Laquan!" I called onto him. He turned to me and smiled.

"Hi Cayo!" Laquan greeted me. I ran up to him and hugged him!

"How are you here?!" I happily asked him.

"I might be confused just like you." Laquan responded. He took his hand out. "Say, let's go on an adventure?" He asked me. I love adventures! Especially with Laquan!

"Yeah! Let's go!" I grabbed on to Laquan's hand like I depend on it.

"Okay! Here we go!!!" Laquan shouted and we started flying! We flew around the galaxy, looking at the brightest stars, the beautiful landscape, and of course, each other. We both stare at each other, looking at our beautiful orbs while not letting go of our own hands.

Laquan turned away before taking us somewhere else. We then landed on what it seems to be a candyland. I was so amazed at what I saw. So many sweets. Of course it's unhealthy to eat too much sugar, but hey, no one can tell us what to do in this world!

Laquan took out a huge cup of pink lemonade on the ground before showing it to me.

"Here. It's lemonade. We share one straw." Laquan told me, showing me that one straw on the lemonade. I wouldn't mind sharing a fork or straw with Laquan. We took turns drinking the pink lemonade. We even made a few giggles here and there and what not. Until there's no more lemonade...aww...

We put away the lemonade before Laquan gave me a cupcake. I thanked him and we both ate our cupcakes. After that, I couldn't help but notice the frosting on Laquan's cheek. I giggled before my friend gave me a confused look, telepathically asking me what's up.

"You got frosting on your cheek." I told him. "Don't worry, I got it." I told him before I wiped the frosting off of his cheek and licked it. I could see that Laquan was shorter than me. We both giggled. And then Laquan noticed something.

"Oh. You got frosting on your's as well, Cayo." Laquan pointed it out.

"What? Oh no!" I playfully screamed in defeat before my friend wiped the frosting off of my cheek and licked it as well. We both giggled again after that. Laquan closed his mouth while smiling.

"Hey. Cayo?" He called me before I look at him.


"Listen...there's something I need to tell you...you've been so kind to me...you were a great friend to me...and now...I want to tell you one thing..." Laquan stated before silence kicks in. It took a while before Laquan took one deep breath.



I heard the door in my room open before I opened my weak eyes.

"Cayo, it's time to get up." My dad called before I let out a groan.

Dang it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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