2 - Decorated Sweets

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Cayo Dingo

I've been sitting down on my desk, waiting for the bell to ring. While I was on that, I've been starting to think about Laquan. Honestly, he's the best person I have ever met! We met on an art project and ever since then, we were so close to each other.

But there are times when I don't see Laquan. It's just a weekend he says, but it feels like a week off. I wish we hung out in the weekends, that would be awesome! And just then, the bell went off meaning it's lunch time!

I walked out of the classroom fast and ran to the cafeteria. Why? Because I can't wait to eat my lunch! I haven't eaten anything yet because I want to save space for my tummy to be filled by the best lunch I ever packed. Also, breakfast and lunch at the cafeteria today are...bleh! Too gloomy!

I entered the cafeteria I found an empty spot to sit on. I passed a packed line of students, found my empty spot, and sat down. I hesitantly took out a container of food out of my backpack just so that I wouldn't rush one of the best lunches I ever had. I set the container down and slowly reveal my lunch.

It's a plate of noodles with pieces of sweet marinated pork and honey chicken. On the other side of the plate, there are so many cookies! My mom made this for me. Thank you, mom! Love you! I smiled and licked my lips, ready to eat a very blessed food. But before I could, I notice a boy in a red hoodie.

He was holding a tray of school food and was having a hard time looking for an empty spot because all of the tables were taken. And then I realized, it's Laquan! I stand up and waved at him.

"Hi Laquan!" I called him. He turned to me, surprised and shyly waved at me. "Hey, I saved you a spot!" I told him while patting my hand on an empty seat. Laquan was a bit hesitant for a little while until he nodded and came to the empty seat.

"H-hey Cayo." Laquan greeted me while he set his tray on the table and we both sat down. I see him looking disappointed while staring at his food on the tray. It was rice and beans, an orange, and milk. The food does not look good.

But wait. Maybe I can share my food with Laquan. Now I know the food looks great, but I'm not letting a friend eat his own...yeah I'm not sure if this is food or not.

"Hungry?" I asked Laquan. He shook his head to reality and turn to me.

"Y-yeah. I'll just eat whatever's on my plate." Laquan answered quietly, slowly looking down at this...goo...thing... I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"I can share you some of my food if you want." I told him. He looked surprise from what I told him.

"W-wha-? O-oh no it's okay. I'll just eat my own food." Laquan responded. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Oh come on. Would you really eat that?" I asked him. He looks at the rice and beans for a while. He doesn't like he wants to eat it. Laquan sighed and chuckled before he turned to me.

Oh his sweet smile...

"Yeah you're right. I would never eat what's on the menu today. So umm...sure. I just want a little bit of your food." Laquan answered. Yes! I did it! Laquan was looking for something and frozed before his jaw slightly dropped.

"What's wrong?" I asked, being a bit concerned for my friend.

"I forgot..." Laquan paused before slowly lifting his head up. "My fork..." It was all that Laquan said before shaking his head a little in realization.

"Oh wait I can just get it from the line. I'll be right back." Laquan told me before I stopped him. He gave me a confused look before I brought a big smile.

"Actually. Why not use my fork." I said it. Laquan was very surprised to hear my sudden response.

"Uhh..." Laquan looked sideways before he gave up with a sigh. "Alright, you win." He sat back down while I slid my container of food to him. He slid his tray away for some space. And of course, Laquan is really impressed with the food I have. And so am I.

"W-wow. The food looks great." Yes! Laquan gave a compliment to the food!

"Thank you! My mom made it for me." I responded before Laquan chuckled.

"Your mom must've been a good cook." He added. I nodded in agreement. Laquan slowly picked up the fork and used it to get some of the noodles and the meat. He slowly took a bite and was amazed of how the food tastes. He swallowed it and smiled.

"This is really good!" Laquan told me. I let out an 'aww' before slightly tilting my head in happiness. Told you it's good!

"Why not get some more?" I suggested. Laquan took a few more bites of my food before he was finished. He slid the container back to me.

"Thank you, Cayo." Laquan thanked me.

"You're welcome. Don't you want some more?" I asked him.

"Oh no it's okay. I think I'll be good for now." Laquan responded.

"Don't you at least want some of my cookies?" I asked again, didn't forget about the lovely baked cookies. Laquan looked at the cookies and agreed to have some. He took at least two pieces and took a bite on one of them. He thanked me and we continued eating.


Laquan and I head to our art class, the class where we both met for the first time. Honestly lunch was great! I get to share Laquan my food. The school lunch was...eww.

Anyways, we arrived at art class and sat down on our seats. After the art teacher took attendance, he looked at us to give us an assignment.

"Okay class, today we would be doing more shading again. You can either draw whatever you want to draw, or you can trace one of the pictures on my desk." The teacher stated. We got our sheet of paper and started working on shading.

I look at Laquan to see that he's tracing a cute cartoon fox. But for me...I uhh...decided to draw Laquan himself... I got flustered, thinking about the idea of drawing my best friend. But I don't think he would mind that. I believe he would be amazed of how I draw.

45 minutes have passed, a few people were already done with their work, especially Laquan since his picture was too easy to work on. But for me, I spent time drawing and shading my friend. I always kept looking at him to keep up with the details, without him noticing. Sometimes I would get caught by Laquan and look away, flustered.

And finally, I was done with my drawing. I walk up to the teacher and showed him my work.

"H-hey sir, i-is this good?" I shyly asked him. I gave him the paper and he look surprised by my drawing.

"This is perfect, Cayo. You did great. Good job." The teacher told me, while impressed of my work. I was given back my paper, that is now graded, and went back to my seat next Laquan. He shifted himself to me.

"Hey Cayo, what did you drew?" He asked. I nervously handed Laquan my paper. He was concerned about my nervousness before he saw my drawing of him. His jaw slightly dropped and his eyes went wide at the drawing. He slowly looked me, telepathically asking me if this is what I drew. I nervously smiled and nodded. Laquan looked back at my drawing and chuckled.

"T-this is perfect. G-good job." It was all that Laquan said before handing the drawing back to me. We both nervously smiled at each other.

Man we were such a nervous wreck!

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