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Sehun's POV

"Take care of yourself after this, no matter what kind of organism it is, you must take care of yourself." Sejeong scrunched her nose teasing 'super concerned me' so I pinched her nose softly afterward. Jehun is still here watching us cluelessly and I chuckles looking at his cute, confused face.

"I will bring both of you out later on." Jehun's ears perked reacting to my words as he excitedly running to me. "Really? Really?!" I nodded with a smile. "Before of you go back to Korea tomorrow." I said and a pout immediately appears on Jehun's face. I caress his head before looking at Sejeong.

"Let him be, he will be okay after today after all. Thank you for that offer." She smiles and I winked at her making her cheeks turned into red. I love making her flushing, it's really fun to see. Haha.

After we went out from Sejeong's room, I bring them downstairs for breakfast but then Mom called me to the corner of the room. From that moment, I already got a bad feeling of what will happen. She will not call me out from anyone else if it is not about Appa.

"What?" I said when I went at her. She smacked my head making me grunt painfully, but it's not that hurt. It's a typical head smack every mom gives to their children. She rolled her eyes reacting to my dramatic action before her face turned serious.

"Your Appa wants to talk to you later after breakfast."

"What! but you told me to bring Sejeong and Jehun out looking around the town." I protested and Mom just giving me a sigh. "I will tell your aunt to go with them instead, you need to settle things down with your father, Oh Sehun. Your relationship with him is wrost than you being with strangers. I hate seeing both of you treating each other like you're damn invisible."

"Eommaa.." I tried to plead her so I no need to meet my father but she quickly shakes her head saying no to me. "That will mean nothing, just go and talk to your father. Hope that everything will be okay."

I sighed and said okay to her before I went back to the dining room to join the others for breakfast and of course, Sejeong is curious on what's happening but I cannot tell her.

l knocked the door with heavy heart, before I heard my father's voice telling me to go inside. He was standing at the balcony facing the small garden, drinking coffee that Mom prepared for him.

"How are you?" He asked to break the awkward silence between us and I only answered just fine. I really hope this will end soon.

"What did you promised to me before, Oh Sehun?" He suddenly asked with strict voice and I'm just closing my eyes in annoyance. My father is still handsome even though he's old in age, but his attitude is older than my NaiNai. He always makes me feel so annoying to the state of frustration.

"What do I promise you?" I said nonchalantly. He immediately turned to me with challenged expression, he really hates question-back type of answer.

"You promise me to be a good son, to not playing around while you are in college! and now your mother told me that you have a fucking child? What is going on with you, Oh Sehun? I didn't teach you to be so cheap around women! You made someone pregnant and now you shamelessly bring them here?" He yelled, his voice are loud and clear, I believed everyone in this house already heard his damn words.

I sneered before I look at him straight into his eyes, "You didn't teach me to be so cheap around women? YOU TAUGHT ME NOTHING, APPA. I've got nothing from you, your love, your care, even your responsibilities as my father, NOTHING. You never care about me from when I was a child, inside your head is full of work. I don't know if I even existed inside your heart. I'm 32 years old, Appa. Not the 6 years old kid you used to give empty promise. I bet you don't even know me, how your crappy accusation will hurt me more than anyone else in this world.

I've never slept with anyone before because I know responsibility is not a game, I rather being shamelessly to be together with them than running away from my responsibility as Jehun's father."

I walked away from the room, slamming the stupid door and I was shocked to find Sejeong and Jehun are standing outside the room. My heart is broken knowing them already listened to my damn conversation with that old man earlier. Jehun is hugging Sejeong waist as he's covering his face with Sejeong's dress.

He shouldn't have to listen to that conversation, They shouldn't have to listen to that conversation.

Anger suddenly rushing into me, I kicked the expensive useless pot outside my parents room making it shattered to the floor before I went away to get my aunt car keys and I ran to the car.

I immediately start the car as soon as I got in. I feel my emotions are about to burst, my heart is aching because of frustration. I need to run away before someone see me cry.

I'm so fucking sick of him.

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