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Author's POV (Start from this chapter I (the author of this book will be telling every scenes of this story) ENJOY 😘

They finally going back home. Yesterday was the first time Sejeong saw how bad it was Sehun breaking down because of his expressed feelings that he always holds inside him and they are finally going back home today. After nearly one weak and a half in China, she and Jehun finally going back to their home in Korea.

It feels a lot of burden and uncomfortable at first, but things changes. Sehun seems to be there for Sejeong and her son. Their son. Jehun. Sejeong smiles at that thought. Maybe today will change everything for real? Maybe Sehun will tell her his feeling to Sejeong today? Nobody knows.

After making sure of all their stuffs are packed inside the luggages, Sejeong helps her son to carry his little bagpack. Jehun doesn't look happy at all, he got sorrow on his face. Sejeong knows how heartbroken Jehun is after what happened yesterday, but things already happened. He will recover with me by myself, thought Sejeong with a warm smile.

Sejeong is a very positive woman, she tried her best to make people surround her feels better and they do, she's the best in convincing people to be better in their life. That's why she always wants the best for her son.

"Here's your coat." Sejeong said to Jehun that still looks sad. The boy just lifting his both arms without saying anything so his mother can help him to wear his fluffy brown coat easily. Sejeong chuckles at him as she lowers her body to match her son's face, "Why? Are you okay,baby?"

"I told you not to call me baby!" Jehun suddenly mad but his face looks super cute making Sejeong laughing. "Okay okay, don't be mad at eomma." She said, refining her baby's coat. "I don't wanna go from here. From Appa.." Jehun said in his pout, breaking Sejeong's heart slowly.

"We need to, Jehun. This is not our home." Sejeong replied with soft voice, caressing Jehun's slightly brown hair which he got from her.

"But appa is our home. I don't wanna be without him." Jehun talk back in loud voice, and Sejeong just took her son into her embrace knowing that Jehun will never understand how things are no matter how smart he is on his age.

"Let's go. Your appa is waiting for us." Jehun just follow his mothe with heavy steps. It seems like his efforts in finding his father are just wasted away like ashes. It feels like nothing will happen after today. He will be back at the title of a kid without father.

When they arrived at the lobby, Sejeong was surprise not seeing Sehun there waiting for them. It was Aunt Mei Li instead of him. After putting all their luggages inside the car, Sejeong still looking around waiting for Sehun to come. Mei Li knows what's on her thought as she smiles softly, patting her shoulder, "I'll be the one who sending you and Jehun today. Sehun is already went back to America"

Listening to those words break Sejeong's heart in pieces. "He... he already went back there??? without telling me??"... She asked while holding pain in her heart. Thankfully, Jehun wasn't there knowing the fact.

"He left without telling anyone early in the morning. Even before the sun rise. One of our workers saw him holding his passport, that's how we knew he went back to LA." That explanation didn't help Sejeong to feel slightly better, she tried her best to hold in her tears which already welling on her eyes.

"I... wow... Haha.." Sejeong said, became speechless. "Eomma! Where's Appa?" Jehun came to the car after saying goodbye to everyone, except for Sehun's father who coldly standing at the lobby stairwell looking at them like a mannequin, his face is stone-cold.

Mei Li was about to tell Jehun about Sehun but Sejeong quickly stopped her, "Appa is waiting for us at the airport. For now can you get in the car?" Jehun nodded his head obediently but before he went inside the car, he took something inside his bagpack and suddenly running toward Sehun's father who still standing at the stairwell.

He gave the man something, a frame of picture and a folded paper. Mr. Oh was feelings awkward in receiving them at first from the little kid which he should call him his grandson but he accepts it at last because they will be gone anyway.

Everyone is in silence when Jehun did his bold action, even Sejeong don't want to say anything to Sehun's father. She knows she don't have that courage to talk to him. Sehun's mom was the one who hugging and saying sorry over and over again before Sejeong went inside the car but Sejeong is already feeling empty.

Someone who gave her hope and the new feeling of loving someone just left without saying anything. Her heart feels pain, as she cannot longer hiding her tears when they arrived at the airport. Maybe Sehun is just playing with her heart this time, maybe she really should stop hoping for new love after this. She should just focus on Jehun, the one who only deserve to get her full attention and heart.

Mei Li helped both of Jehun to check in their names at the counter as Jehun and Sejeong are sitting on the waiting metal bench. Jehun's looking around waiting for his father to show up, he is quite late, thought Jehun before he looks at his mom that looks very sorrowful while looking at her phone.

"Eomma, where's appa? You said he's waiting here for us but I haven't seen him." Jehun said with a pout.

"I'm sorry, Jehun-ah. He is not here." Sejeong said with heavy heart. Jehun became confuse, "Then where is he?"

"I don't know. He left. Without telling anyone." Jehun shakes his head in protest, his tears started to well, lips started to pout. "No, my appa is here right? You just playing prank with me! I'm not a kid, eomma! Stop lying to me, please.." Jehun burst in tears.

"I'm not lying to you.." Sejeong stated the reality.

"I want my father to be here with me!!! Please...please eomma..." Jehun beg in his tears, making Sejeong closing her eyes in wrenching pain, she really don't want to see Jehun cry. It is the first time Sejeong sees her son crying in heartbreak. Jehun is a strong boy, he never cry easily like the other kids on his age.

Sejeong quickly took Jehun into her embrace, hugging her son who's crying mess. Sejeong can't longer hold her tears as she cries along with her son. It is even hard for Jehun to breathe because he's crying so hard.

The fact Sehun is cold hearted person will never change. Today is the proof.

"May god bless you and your son, dear." Mei Li said to Sejeong when they are about to get inside boarding section. Sejeong smiles before hugging her, saying thanks for all her help. Mei Li swears to Sejeong that she will beat the shit out of Sehun if she go to America but Sejeong preferred Mei Li to be cool, she is going to forget about Sehun anyway.

If she even could do so..

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