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It's been 5 months since that day, Sejeong is slowly moving on from the thought of Sehun. Jehun is doing well too because his attention is all on school. He is going to graduate soon and enter middle school. Sejeong never been so happy everytime she's thinking about her little one is growing up so fast.

Sejeong don't want to care about Sehun anymore, he probably moving on faster than both her and Jehun. That guy probably never even think about them once, that's on Sejeong's mind. Even thinking about his name makes Sejeong's heart aches. It hurt so bad up until now, but what a strong woman Sejeong is, she tried to be better on futher days for herself and for her son.

"For our graduation day this weekend, all of us, teachers have decided to pick one kid for very a special performance other than group choir and drama." Sejeong announced to the kids after they're done with their writing exercise.

A cute boy, Taeyang raised his hand and asked "What performance, Miss?" Sejeong smiles "Either singing or dancing or anything else. Depend on your talent. We all believe that you guys are talented." Taeyang scratch his head "But my mom said I sound like a frog when I sing." His words make everyone in the room laughing as his expression looks confuse within his words.

"Oh dear, it's okay. As long as you feel happy while you're singing." Sejeong chuckles but the kid replied, "I really don't think everyone love to hear me sing." Sejeong laugh at his words before she continues to talk "I want all of you to vote on who will do the special performance since you are the one who know better about your classmates. Please, make it special, guys. That day will be the last time we're being together in this classroom." Everyone cooing with sad face listening to their teacher's words as some are already crying because they don't want to leave soon.

Sejeong is one of the teachers they could ever have, things in middle school will be so different than the kindergarten. Sejeong quickly comfort them saying everything will be fine as they already are, the kids sure going to miss their sweet and kind teacher.

Sejeong distributes a small paper to each kids inside the classroom so they can write their vote on the paper. Jehun is making a smooch face when Sejeong gave the small paper to him making his mother chuckles at his cuteness. Jehun is super playful and good at making someone's fluttering.

Just like someone.... said Sejeong's thought.. She shakes her head a little to wake up from the always stupid thought. That is so unbeneficial, she whispered to herself.

"Okay everyone, now write the name of someone you would like to do the special performance on our special graduation day. The name who got the most vote can't say no later on to make the special performance and don't worry, me and the other teachers will help."

"Yes~~" The kids answer before started to write the name they chose on the little piece of paper. Everyone trying to peek on their friends choice but they all seems so secretive about their vote making they look so cute while jotting down.

After they are done with everything, Sejeong collect back all the small papers to count the vote of each 30 kids inside the classroom.

Sejeong was very surprised after she saw and counted all 30 votes because it's something she really don't expect.

"The student who will perform for the special performance on our upcoming graduation day is..... KIM JEHUN."

a/n: omo, what will our jehunie do for his special performance? 😉

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