Prologue: She's gone

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"Yeobo, you don't look so good. I think we should get you to the hospital." Yoongi said gently helping his poor wife out of bed.

"Yoongi I don't wanna go back. It's so cold and lonely without you." She said softly holding onto his hand.

"I have to be at work and it's for the best really, I'm not the best caretaker..." He chuckled nervously.

"You're perfect to me." She smiled kissing his cheek.

"We're still going to the hospital."



"This dumbass sales report. I just wanna go home." Yoongi mumbled under his breath typing away at the keys.

He heard a small knock at his door. "Come in."

"Mr. Min you left your phone in the break room. It's been ringing." The woman said walking over to return it.

"Thank you." He said softly before checking his call history.

5 calls all from Rubrum Hospital.

No... It can't be...


"We're sorry to report this, Mr. Min but your wife's condition is worsening. We predict soon that her vitals will start to drop but you should still have time to get here before-"

"I'm on my way. Tell her I'm coming, please." He begged with a shakey voice.

"Will do."

How could he have been so stupid to leave his phone when his wife was sick?! What kind of husband was he?!

Down the stairs, out the door, to the parking lot, and in his car. He ran the whole way. He just wasn't quite fast enough.

"Where's my wife? Where is she?!" He yelled through the halls.

"Just over there sir. She's in critical condition."

There wasn't enough time. There was never enough time to spend with her. There was not enough time on earth for her last moments.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I'm here, I'm here." He panted holding her hand.


"I know baby I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I-I love you. So much." She said gripping his hand.

She was trying to hold on but over the minutes she started to loose strength.

"I love you too baby. I'm so sorry... I wish I was here sooner." He said tears slowly rolling down to stain his cheeks.

"D-Don't cry. It'll be okay." She said wiping his tears.

All Yoongi's resolve was burned away. He was weak. He was nothing without her.

"P-Please... Please... Don't leave me..." He cried holding her hand. "I need you."

"Y-You have to live. Y-You can't let this stop you."

"N-No! I can't, I won't!"

"Y-You have to." She said using her other feeble hand to stroke his hair. "P-Promise me you won't quit."

"I-I can't..." He sobbed softly.

"Y-Yoongi, promise me." She said looking him in the eyes as hers were getting dimmer.

"I-I promise..." He whispered.

She smiled softly and closed her eyes finally letting herself go. Yoongi gasped as he heard the continuous beat of the heart monitor slow to a steady tone. She was gone. She was all he had and she was gone.

"N-No please come back, please!" He shook her hand but she didn't move and she never would.

Days later the funeral took place. He was grateful for all the help and kind wishes he received but absolutely nothing would make him feel better.

The next day he revisited the grave site and she spoke to him.

"Yoongi. Why did you come so late? Why didn't you hear the phone? I was waiting for you. You could have saved me. You could have saved me and you didn't."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"You should have saved me Yoongi!! You could have saved-"

Yoongi shot up in bed in a cold sweat. She died 5 years ago and still he has the same nightmare over and over. Logically he knew there was no possible way he could have saved her life ,yet his subconscious always seemed to blame it on him.

"Fuck... I really hate when that happens."

Yoongi groaned and wiped his eyes. There were tears there.

Yoongi had become a bitter man over the years. But he was determined to bring justice to his wife's death some how so he became a medical scientist. His main goal, beat cancer.

He got out of bed. He was tired. He didn't sleep well. He never did. He relied on caffeine instead.

Half of the time he didn't even want to go to work. But he couldn't break his promise.

He'd never quit no matter what.

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