1: Dr. Min

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Yoongi groaned as his alarm went off. He'd already been awake but he just waited until something told him to get out of bed.

He sighed and threw the blankets off of himself looking out of his window. A cold foggy morning. He smiled softly. Him and his wife used to love this nasty weather.

He yawned and went downstairs setting his coffee pot on boil as he dragged himself to the shower. Since he began working in the medical field, he's become more afraid of infections and germs so he always takes a boiling hot shower.

Simple things like coffee and hot showers in the morning sort of... Cleared his mind. As much as it could be cleared. He finished his shower, scrubbing his head full of shampoo under the scalding water before turning it off.

Yoongi yawned still a bit tired as he dried himself off. He was having a peaceful morning until his phone rang. Normally he would ignore anyone who dared to call him before 8 but it was his boss so he had to answer.

"Mhm Hello?" He answered tiredly.

"Yoongi, when you get to work come to my office. Understand?"

He was shocked. The director never called him in simply because he did his job so well he never needed to.

"Y-Yes sir. Can I ask why?"


"Okay. I'll see you there..."

"Good-bye doctor."

Jesus, this type of stress would drive him to drinking. Why did the director have to be so secretive about everything?

Yoongi went to his closet picking out a black turtle neck and khakis.

He trotted downstairs grabbing his coffee pot and pouring it in a thermos taking a healthy sip. Perfect.

He grabbed his keys, wallet, phone and shrugged on his lab coat. He was missing something but he couldn't remember what until he stepped out the door.

Right, his glasses. She always did have to remind him of those. He put them on before grabbing his mug and heading to his car.

After making his way to the hospital he entered the building shivering at the sterile chill.

He walked up the concrete stairs down the hall until he reached the director's office. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He was nervous. It was his boss after all.

"Come in."

He creaked open the door. He looked at the director but noticed another young woman sitting in the one of the chairs across from his boss. He took the other seat next to her.

"You called me sir?"

"Yes. This woman is a new scientist and she'll be working with you on the C.A.N project."

There was a dead silence in the room. The woman didn't seem to say much and Yoongi, well...he wasn't exactly thrilled to have a new scientist in the project.

"Introduce yourselves."

"Y-Yes sir. Min Yoongi."

"A-Areum Jang."

The two exchanged an awkward handshake before looking back at the director.

"Yoongi, show her around the facilities. Areum Yoongi is your mentor. Make sure you record all findings and give them to him so he can report to me, understand?"

"Yes sir."

"You both are dismissed. Don't cause trouble." The man said shortly.

Yoongi was the first to get up and Areum followed suit.

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