5: Sharing progress

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Areum yawned as she finally made her way into the doors of the hospital.

"Noona! Noonaaaaa!" Jungkook said running out of the lab.

"What, whaaaat?" She mocked him.

"Y-Yoongi came in the lab. He said if anyone saw you to tell you to come to his office!!!" He said with a pout.

"Well then why are you here?! You're making me go faster!" She said panicked.

"S-sorry! I didn't see you!" He said running back to the lab.

Areum avoided the lab because there would definitely be people who would tell Yoongi she had arrived. She decided to go to her own office first but it was no use as Yoongi was already standing there waiting for her.

"O-Oh... Hi... Dr. Min..."

"Dr. Jang, just the person I wanted to see."

"Y-You wanted to see me? I didn't know..." She mumbled scratching her neck nervously.

"Funny... I told everyone that if they saw you, they should tell you I was waiting for you." He said looking at her curiously.

"Oh! I didn't bump into anyone on the way up here." She said. Why did she have to keep lying?

"Oh well, come into my office. I'd like to talk to you."

Areum gulped. How had she already gotten herself into trouble?


She timidly walked into the room remembering the last time she was in here. She scanned his desk before finding the picture frame from before. She finally got to see what photo was in it. It was a woman. She was pretty and had long jet black hair and bangs. Minimal makeup but gorgeous none the less. Who was that?

"Who's that in the picture on your desk?"

Yoongi froze but quickly recovered. "You're not one for minding your own business are you?"

"S-sorry..." She said remaining quiet after that.

"You seem bent on proving yourself to me are you not?"

"I guess... I just don't want you to think I'm lazy or incapable." She mumbled softly.

"Well then you wouldn't mind helping me with something would you?"

"I suppose not..." She said. "What do you need help with?"

"I wanted to do tests on my cure. But there are way too many for Jin and I to complete on our own. I wanted to have you do some to lighten the load." He said.

Areum couldn't pass up that chance. If she wanted Yoongi to promote her, doing him this favor was a perfect opportunity to do so.

"Alright. So do I stay late?" She asked.

Yoongi shook his head adjusting his glasses. "Even though I stay over time a lot, I'm trying to quit. I actually really hate the hospital." He confessed. "So we'll be doing it at my place. If that's okay with you." He said looking at her expectantly.

Areum didn't take a second thought. "Okay."

"This way, you can still work on your own research during the day." He said quietly. "Well that's it, you're dismissed. I'll be going home early tonight so you can just follow me there so we can run the tests."

She nodded and bowed letting herself out. She couldn't tell if this opportunity was a gift or if Yoongi was absolutely playing with her but how would she know if she didn't take that chance right?

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