8: Lost files and Sibling rivalry

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Areum groaned softly as she sat up. Her head hurt like hell. She didn't really drink that much did she? Either way she was as hungover as could be. The headache worsened when she heard her phone ring which pounded in her ears with how loud it sounded.

"F-Fuck, fuck shut up..." She moaned as she peeled her eyes open. It was Jimin.

"H-Hello?" She answered sluggishly.

"Areum, hey! Where'd you go last night? Did you get home safe? I was- I-I mean Jungkook and I were worried sick."

"H-hey Jimin please... You're loud." She mumbled.

"Sorry, but you're at home and safe right?"

As she came to, Areum started to realize she wasn't in her house and yet the place was familiar.

"I... Actually don't think I'm at home... Huh. I'll call you back okay Jimin?"

"Hey no Areum wait-" He pleaded but was cut off with a sharp beep showing the call had been disconnected. 

"Shit..." He cursed.

Areum sat up holding her head. Where was this? This wasn't home but it was... Was this Yoongi's place?

As if on queue Yoongi came in the room holding a cup of hot coffee. "Oh... You're awake. Your head must hurt huh?" He asked.

"Like hell... Thanks for taking me home... Well to your house anyway." Areum mumbled grabbing the coffee mug from him.

He sat down on the opposite side of the couch as she took a nice sip.

"Well I couldn't just leave you. You passed out." He replied softly.

"Damn. Didn't think I was that hammered." She sighed still holding her head.

"Right. Here's some Tylenol for that headache too." He said putting two red pills in her small hand.

She smiled gently. "Thanks. You're sweet Yoongi."

Yoongi paused feeling his heart beat just a bit faster in his chest. He knew what that feeling was, and he wasn't happy but he ignored the thoughts popping up into his head.

"You're welcome..." He mumbled looking at her shifting in her party dress. "You look uncomfortable. Wanna borrow some clothes? I don't mind."

"Oh that'd be nice... Thanks. This dress is kinda crunchy." She giggled a bit.

"I'll be back." He said.

Yoongi ran his hands through his hair trying to dismiss the thought that he felt butterflies, he felt his heart flutter, he felt that exciting uneasiness that came with... Having a crush.

"Fuck... Fuck." He tried to shake it away but he felt even more guilty as he he found a pair of his wife's shorts burried under all his clothes. He just grabbed those and one of his white t-shirts and brought them back to Areum.

"Here. I'll wait outside for you to change." He said exiting the room.

Areum quickly changed into the clothes hoping they weren't too big. Well the shirt was but the shorts fit nicely. She sat back down on the couch taking a sip of the still hot coffee. "I'm done!" She called.

He came back in but his expression was blank and sullen. He wasn't as cheery as he was this morning. Definitely not.

"You okay? Did something happen?" She asked softly.

"You fit her clothes..." Yoongi mumbled.

Areum didn't quite hear luckily for him.


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