2: Dr. Jang

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Areum got herself together for the day. She was supposed to conduct independent research so she figured she should just go check in with Yoongi and get to work.

She walked up the stairs and her mind was so busy being in the clouds that she forgot to knock.

Yoongi sat at his desk with the most yearning expression...like he was missing someone. She had studied the frame he was holding. But what picture was in it that had him so distracted? His expression turned from calm to a harsh one as he noticed Areum's presence.

"Don't you know how respect privacy, Dr.

"S-sorry, I was just coming to check in." She explained.

He took the pen in his pocket out, making a mark on a piece of paper and returning it to it's spot on his lab coat.

"I just marked you. Go on." He said blankly.

The woman bowed and quickly dismissed herself.

She reminded herself of the path Yoongi had shown her and made her way to the lab. She was greeted by all the friendly faces she'd met yesterday. Instead of working on her own she decided to work with the pair of younger boys Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hey guys. I came to steal your ideas." She grinned sheepishly.

"Steal all you want. We're not very good at our jobs anyway." Jimin chuckled.

"I'm sure that's not true Jimin. You look like smart young men." Areum said softly.

"Young? Why are you acting like you're our Grandma?" Jungkook said starting to get a bit more comfortable with her around.

"Well I just assumed you're a bit younger than me." She said softly.

"Well how old are you?" The boy asked.

"I'm ashamed to say but I'm almost 30. 28 to be exact."

"I'm 25. And Jungkook is 23 you're not too much older." He Said.

"W-Well does that mean I can call you Areum noona?" Jungkook asked softly.

"Of course Jungkookie. Feel free." She said with a smile. "Now do you boys wanna share your work with me?" She asked looking through the microscope.

"We have something that the cancer cells don't like. Unfortunately they have trouble holding themselves together and split prematurely so we end up with tiny cells that can no longer defend themselves." Jimin explained.

"I can see that." Areum replied quietly studying the sample.

"Are they plant based or animal based cells?" She asked

"Plant." Jungkook said looking at her expectantly.

"I thought so. What kind of solution are you soaking them in. Are you sure it's nutritional enough for them."

"Well Jimin put chlorine in it to treat them but I told him that might be too strong and M-Maybe that's the reason?" He said shyly.

He didn't like to disagree with his hyung.

"I agree." Areum said. "Let's try something different. How about saline?"

"They died!" Jungkook panicked.

"It's okay Kookie we'll figure something out." Jimin said softly.

The younger boy seemed to get discouraged easily.

"Let's just try again, okay?"

Both of them nodded.

"Guys they look stable, come here." Areum said.

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