ii. Curosity Peaked.

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THERE WAS SOMETHING NOT QUITE RIGHT WITH THE MANDALORIAN. Despite his face clearly hidden, Avery couldn't help but imagine a snarling grin plastered onto his face. It was completely irrational and void of any logic but it was a deep gut feeling that plagued his thoughts.

The two had been walking in a steady silence for a good twenty-five minutes, each moment Avery's shoulders feeling tenser and more weighed down. Electricity buzzed and ran rabid through Avery's veins, nervous eyes continuously glancing back at the Mandalorian.

He kills people for a living - properly kills people. Just the thought sent shivers down the boys spine. He knew none of this was a good idea. He should've never bothered. He should've continued to sit in the confined space of his chamber and wallow in self-pity. He didn't even know where to start with this whole thing. Sure he has friends and making friends usually came naturally to him but kriff, none of them had killed people for money!

It was nerve-wracking really, to see a man both taller and physically stronger but also mentally stronger. Shudders wracked through his tense figure as flashes of a man sputtering, ghost hands trying to cling to life appeared in a flash across his vision. To ease his mind of the awful images, he tried to think of ways to make the situation less tense. Surely it would be a good idea to make conversation, wouldn't it? Fuck of course not, he's probably already sick of me. Well-

"You're a prince" Came the sudden statement rumbling from the males throat. Avery, rather bewildered by the sudden words, quickly glanced downwards towards his clothes, he did presume that he looked 'royal-like' despite wearing what his very unroyal friends would wear — but he supposed it was a Mandalorian's job to be observant.

Coughing slightly in embarrassment, Avery replied, "Oh um yes. I'm the second in line to thi- this planet actually. Lucria. Um.. that's the name of this plan- Lucria is the name." Flashing a clumsy grin at the stifled delivery, Avery tried to not falter any further under the excruciating gaze of the bounty hunter.

For some reason his gaze made Avery's skin crawl. Despite the presence of the helmet, it seemed almost as if his eyes held an element of knowing — something that made Avery very uncomfortable. It was as if his eyes were rooting through his skin, burrowing themselves further until the hit thin, white marrow. Inspecting and analysing every piece of living flesh until ribbons of blood cells ran loops around his wrists, trickling down open veins. And there was that feeling again. The feeling of someone's hand squeezing his heart until he couldn't breathe. The feeling of decrepit teeth gnawing at his stomach, violently tearing away at all in which allowed him to not want to rip his hair out in worry.

It was all very uncomfortable.

The only response he was supplied was a curt nod, light reflecting as the male dipped his helmet. Huffing slightly as the two were plunged back into silence, Avery thought it may be curious of him to warm the Mandalorian of some... complications in his stay.

"Um so about your stay... obviously you're a um, bounty hunter and I mean that can draw suspicion and stuff so...." Glancing up to see if the Mandalorian had any specific reaction to his rambling he was met with a cocked head and a presumably deadpan expression hidden underneath the beskar. Despite a slight plummet in his overall confidence, Avery knew he'd already started so he might aswell finish - just hoping that the man won't kill him before he can. "You probably can't stay in the palace. With me. Not saying that you'd want to or anything because thats weird and we've just met but yeah you kind of get it because all you're going to do is bring attention and you seem like a guy who wants to keep it on the down low so um... oh look, we're here!"

Heaving a sigh and cringing slightly at the awkward delivery, Avery sluggishly threw up his arms in the direction of a squalid little cabin, one located right on the perimeter of the surrounding forest. Wild ferns and ivy invaded every small crevice, winding beneath glass windows. Waves echoed in the distance and birds could be seen migrating further south. Admittedly, there was a certain... charm about the place and if Avery wasn't royalty he's sure that he wouldn't mind living there.

Slamming his shoulder into the door in an attempt to pry the wedged door open, Avery kept glancing back towards his company; strangely, everytime he looked, the other would be staring directly at him. It was all very unnerving and Avery just wanted to get away as quickly as possible, the gnawing feeling in his stomach intensifying. Wincing as another hit to the door caused a sharp flare of burning pain to shoot up from his left leg. With another large hit to the door, it finally flung open, a burst of dust flying upwards into the prince's face.

"Well, welcome to your premium hotel." Flashing a lopsided grin, cheeks aching as he tried to hide the searing pain radiating from his leg. Only receiving a small nod from the Mandalorian, he was forced to put further weight on his leg as he almost lept out of the way as the man swiftly walked past him and into the cottage.

It was slightly weird for Avery, to see this man — clearly superior man — not be, what people would consider, an extrovert. But thinking again, being a bounty hunter probably didn't leave much room for casual socialising. It was still strange though, to suddenly be the most talkative in the room when all his life he'd been that awkward and shy kid — nothing special kid.

"How long will you be here for do you think? Or um, how long do you think your ship will take to fix?" Questioned Avery, silently he was wishing not for long because frankly, he did not want to deal with a bounty hunter for longer than absolutely necessary — it was simply nervewracking.

"I'll have to go and check the state of it later, but most likely up to five weeks — if I'm on my own," replied the males gruff voice. Swallowing thickly at the thought of having to deal with this extra guest for five weeks, made Avery's stomach curl with worry. Who was he to know if the other male has an ulterior motive or if this was all planned or if—

"There's someone I could ask!" Avery's swift delivery almost made the words indecipherable, but luckily the words were met with a curious helmet tilt. "Um her name's Orla Veetman — really good mechanic, stunning you could even say. If you want to be out of here quicker I could always ask her... only if you want though."

Only receiving a nod in return, Avery sighed, this was going to be much more stressful than he initially thought. Whoever said bounty hunters weren't hard work was wrong.

bit longer than last chapter but i'm honestly just trying to sort the dynamic and get the plot fully straight (haha)  so sorry for this filler chapter of sorts :// however i hope you guys are liking avery as a character !! also this is the last chapter of this year (most likely) so i hope everyone has an amazing christmas && new year <33


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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