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'I can't believe I did it....'

"I wonder if my den was taken over, if so I guess I'm getting into a fight on my first day back...."

     Andri took his old secret paths to his and Dalaynie's old den, he also planned on visiting Dizzy later after he got settled back in.

'I wonder if I'm going to run into Harry today....'

"I hope not...."

"Hey are you new?"


'That voice....'

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just was asking if you were new because I don't remember-"

"Gil it's me, Andri!"

"Andri?! Woah Andri what are you doing back here, not that I'm not really happy to see you I'm just shocked!"

"I didn't fit in at Auradon and I felt like a burden to everyone so I left, has anyone taken over my den while I was gone?"

"No, Harry wouldn't let anyone even go near it. He might be in there though, he makes a trip inside everyday during his errand runs for Uma but never admits to it"

"I was hoping to avoid him but oh well, thank you Gil"

"Wait Andri, can I come with you? I've really missed you while you've been gone!"

"Um sure Gil, I don't see why you couldn't"

"Thank you!"

     Gil hugged Andri tightly before they set off in the direction of the raventte's old home, Gil talking the whole way and filling Andri in on what he'd missed while Andri told Gil about Auradon. Andri paused though as a familiar scent reached his nose the moment they reached the den, Harry.

'Damnit Harry, my den reaks of you now....'

"You okay Andri?"

"Yeah sorry, he isn't here now but it would seem we barely missed him...."

"When are you going to tell him you're back?"

"Well I was planning on never but the Chip Shoppe is really the only place to get food around here so tonight I guess"

"You know he really misses you Andri...."

     Andri placed a hand on a certain spot on his chest with a sigh, during their last fight Harry had ended up swiping his hook across Andri's chest and now there was a large scar on it.

"Hey Gil I'll meet you at the Chip Shoppe tonight okay? I need to get everything situated since I'm staying here again"

"Okay bye Andri!"

     Gil walked off and Andri walked into his home, nothing seemed out of place accept a few beer bottles and a picture frame that Andri picked up but gently sat back down quickly faceing down. It had been a picture of Harry kissing Andri's cheek and Harry in his arms, there seemed to be dried tear drops on the glass causing Andri to sigh.

"He doesn't have the right to have missed me, he's the one that made me leave...."

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in this house, I thought I made it clear to everyone years ago that this house is off limits!"


"So you kicking me out of my own house now pirate boy?"


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