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"So you're scared of Harry?"


"Does he know?"

"No and he doesn't need to know Gil, imagine what he would do if he found out!"

"You're right, but what are you gonna do?"

"I guess I'll just attempt to stay clear of him the best I can...."

     Gil tilted his head like a confused puppy, it almost made Andri laugh.

"That's kinda impossible when he's always all over you"

"Yeah I know, but I know this Isle better than anyone remember"

"Yeah you were the king of hide and seek!"

     As the two laughed a certain sound the dark haired male had grown to know oh so much made Andri freeze as a shiver ran down his spine, the scraping of a hook over stone.

"Well what do we have here hmm?"

"We were just catching up Harry"

"Yeah, a bunch of guys used to like him at Auradon but he rejected them all! They also have amazing food and he was aloud to go around the school in his wolf form! Oh and Carlos has a little dog named Dude that Andri loved to hang out with and play with!"

"If it were so great then why did ye run runaway huh?"

"I didn't want to be a burden to anyone there since I was still heartbroken after....our fight. They always babied me and made sure I was nice and safe, which I am eternally thankful for, but I knew that I couldn't sit there and continue being such a burden for them. They actually have a future out there and I'm just some wolf boy with an amazing sister who has a brighter future than him! Hell yeah I miss Auradon everyday, but I also don't belong there....and I missed Dizzy and Gil"

"Awe I missed you too!"

     Harry narrowed his eyes as Gil hugged Andri tightly, the teary eyed male stiffening at the sudden show of affection.

"Ye missed me too right wolfie?"


"Ye sounded awfully hesitant wolfie"

"Harry what is it you wanted anyways, shouldn't you be following Uma around like a lost little pirate?"

"I ran the daily errands and we're going ta start sword training soon, I'm bringing ye with me and teaching ye how ta fight with a sword"

"No thanks, I'll stick with my teeth and claws"

"It wasn't a request Andri, I want ta make sure yer protected"

"I ripped out the eye of a shark at the age of seven Harry, I'm fine!"

     Gil's eyes widened as he was suddenly shoved away from Andri who Harry had pinned against the bar behind them.

"Don't argue with me Andri, today isn't a good day...."

"Stop thinking you can control me Harry, I'm not that little boy that did whatever you wanted no questions asked anymore...."

"Um guys?"

"Shut up Gil!"

"Hey don't tell him to shut up!"

"Andri damn-"

     Harry was cut off as Andri suddenly kneed him in the balls and ran out of the Chip Shoppe, but not before turning and telling Gil he'd see him soon and that he was always welcome in his den.

     Harry was cut off as Andri suddenly kneed him in the balls and ran out of the Chip Shoppe, but not before turning and telling Gil he'd see him soon and that he was always welcome in his den

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     The adorable little girl ran up and leapt into Andri's open arms as he spun her around laughing.

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too little Diz!"

"What are you doing here though, shouldn't you be off living the dream in Auradon?"

"....I loved it there Dizzy but I just didn't belong, and I felt like nothing but a burden to our friends so I came home"

"Andri you could never be a burden, we love you!"

"Thank you Dizzy...."

"I am simply spreaking truth Andri!"

     Andri smiled at Dizzy before setting her down and looking around.

"This place hasn't changed much...."

"Not much we can do with the place since Harry always takes our money...."


"Yeah, every day"

"I'll see what I can do about that Dizzy, I'll even challenge Uma for this territory if I have to"

"You would do that for us?"

"Of course"

"Oh thank you Andri, thank you!"

     Dizzy hugged Andri tightly and the older male patted her on the head.

'I could ring some pirate necks right now....except Gil'

Mo BhradachWhere stories live. Discover now