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"The one and only, now get out"

"Andri what are you doing here...?"

"Out you smelly pirate"

"No not until you answer me!"

"I will do no such thing, now get out!"

     Harry grabbed Andri's arm and yanked him closer and into the light so he could see him better much to the shorter male's dislike.

"Let go of me fish breath!"

"Why won't you say my name Andri...?"

"Because I hate you and your very name angers me Hook!"

"You don't mean that!"

"Yes I do!"

"No you fucking don't!"

"Let me go damnit!"

"No, not until you take that back and I get answers!"


     Andri kicked Harry roughly in an attempt to get him away but the pirate boy had an iron grip on his arm resulting on the two falling over and on the couch.

"If I say your damned name will you let me go?!"

"No, I want answers and I want them now!"

"No, and don't you have errands to run for Shrimpy anyways?"

"....You're more important"

"Oh really, since when huh? You've always put fish face before me so why not now?!"

"I'm sorry okay, I haven't seen you in so long Andri and I've missed you so much...."

'Do not give in to those sad pirate eyes.... don't Andri.... don't.... FUCKING HELL!'

"Fine I take the hating you thing back, but that doesn't mean things are going to go back to normal between us...."

"I'd sure hope not, I was always with Uma and you were always with Mal, Dalaynie, Dizzy, Jay, Carlos, and Evie! Now that your back I want what we had before I started talking to Uma, I want to go back to the prank pulling, the late nights where we sung and danced under the moon, I want all of the laughs, all of the cuddles, all of the kisses, all of the tea-"

"Okay Harry I get it!"

     Harry pulled the smaller male closer and smiled happily while Andri tensed up, he had spent so long trying to hate this boy only to be in his arms again.

"I'm so happy Andri, I missed you more than you'll ever know...."

"I-I missed you too Harry, I missed you too...."

'Fuck my life....'

Mo BhradachWhere stories live. Discover now