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We started to come up with a plan of sorts to get Isabelle and Tinker Bell (which I just found out she was missing too.) The plan itself seemed crazy enough, but then Peter decided that we would make it the "greatest plan ever" as he called it. The plan was for Cubby and I to wait by the tree line facing the boat and try to make noise so that Hook and his crew would investigate then the rest of the lost boys and Peter would get onto the ship and try to find them while we tried to not be killed. Once we safely got tinker bell and Isabelle of the ship we would attempt to un-dock the boat and have it sail away outward to the sea and hopefully never see it again.

Cubby and I made our way to the tree line around mid-day and started to scout out the area so that we knew which way to go when Hook and his crew started to chase us. The land that we need to know to lead Hook and his team away from them and then be able to get away from them to be able to get back to the ship to help them get Isabelle and Tinker Bell back. We sat two traps for hook and his men. We sat there for about an hour waiting for the signal that Peter and the lost boys were ready. Finally, we saw it smoke tumbling out of the trees into the sky. The plan was starting.

Cubby grabbed a rock and stood up, threw the rock hitting Hook in the head then quickly sitting back down so he was not seen. Hook turn around and yelled loudly "Who threw that! Whoever it was is going to be severely punished!"

"I did!" I shouted as I jumped up from our hiding spot. "Come and get me!" I yelled as I took off running while Cubby stayed there waiting for them to run toward me so that he could pull the string for the trap. The trap that we set up was to trip them once they passed Cubby he would pull a string that would release logs that would roll down the hill they would be running up chasing me. He had to wait until it was passed a certain point so that I would not be trampled along with them. Cubby released the trap at the right time causing Hook and his crew to all come down like bowling pins. I circled back around to where Cubby was and grabbed onto his wrist pulling him into a sprint with me onto the path that we had mapped out so that we will be able to get rid of Hook and his crew.

We were running for what felt like hours when we finally heard Hook and his crew following us. They sound quite far away so we slowed down to a jog and waited until we could either hear or see them. The second that we heard Hook yell "There they are!" we took off into a sprint again. We made sure not to get too far from them until we saw the path that we would use to get away but we have to so that they keep running straight. The hill that would lead to the path was just a little way in front of us so I grabbed on to Cubby's wrist again basically to tell him that we needed to sprint again to be able to make it before them. The hill was the worst part of this whole thing because Cubby kept slowing me down because he couldn't keep up, literally. I ended up having to pick him up and carry him to the top of the hill because Hook was getting to close for the plan to work. Once we were on the hill we sprinted to about halfway down the hill and then jumped behind some bushes and trees. We waited until they got to the right spot and pulled the next string. It didn't take long until Hook and his crew came tumbling down the hill. We wait for what I think was around five minutes then we got out from behind the bushes and trees. Once we were sure that they were long gone we headed down the path that took you back to the shore. Peter and the rest of the lost boys were all on board or were being lookouts and others were helping Peter try to find Isabelle and Tink. Cubby and I jogged down the shore to the ship and got onto the boat.

The first person that I saw once we were on the boat was Peter I ran up to and asked if he has had any luck in finding them. He looked and me and shook his head no.

"Where haven't you looked yet, we have to look everywhere?" I asked and said.

"Everywhere, we have searched the whole ship!" He shouts getting frustrated.

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