Uncharted Territory

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The fact that we ended up being taken by Hook and his crew was enough to put anyone on edge but the fact that he was taking us to the place he called home made it worse that he would not tell us where this so-called home is. The days slowly turn to weeks. The weeks turned to a month. We were still being treated like rats in a sewer. Hook made the lost boys basically his slaves while he kept Peter, Tink, Isabelle and I all locked up in what I think is under the deck because a door has to be opened for our food to be brought down to us. It is brought down one of the crew members normally but every once in awhile a lost boy will bring it down. When they do we always ask them how bad Hook is treating them and if they have figured anything out about where we are going.

Peter and I worry that the lost boys will be brainwashed by Hook and his men, so far they seem okay, still the same boys. We are sure Hook will try something with them to turn them against us. If only I could remember my past, my parents, where I am from, if I have brothers or sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, anything. Maybe that would help us figure what Hook wants with us. I know why he wants Peter. But why Isabelle, and mostly why me. I can't let all this get me down, I have to keep my spirits up so i can help the rest, especially Isabelle.

The day turned into night as the light that was seeping through the floorboards vanished. In the middle of the night, the door opened startling both my self and Peter. Cubby came bounding down the stairs quite loudly but it seemed that he was trying to be quiet about it.

"Hook said to tell you to be quiet," said Cubby.

"We were not even talking or making any noise," said Peter Pan

" He thinks you were," said Cubby

"I think he is getting weirder and weirder by the day," said Cubby

"He is trying to brainwash us and it is not working, so he is mad," said Cubby

"What is he doing to try and brainwash you," I asked.

"He keeps saying you and Isabelle are witches and you're going to kill all of us and that Peter is like some kind of devil because he can fly," said Cubby

Tink starts making noises. PeterPan Says" Tink wants to know what about her"

"I do not know what they think about Tink, they have not mentioned her," said Cubby

"I better get back up there, hopefully, I get to bring your food to you today," said Cubby

We all sit and stare at each other for what seems to be forever.

"I wonder what that was about," i said.

"He probably just wanted us to wake up, maybe he thinks we are coming up with a plan," said Peter Pan.

"Yea, you are probably right, but we should be thinking of some kind of plan," I said.

Peter says then " we all need to get some sleep, we can think about a plan tomorrow".

I tried to sleep but thoughts kept coming into my mind. A plan would be good, but there is no way out. My past life is a big question so i start to imagine what i would have wanted it to be like. Let's see I would have a wonderful mom who works very hard taking care of us. She is beautiful, she has brown hair, that is curly, green eyes and makes the best apple pie, that is when we can get apples. She is a dressmaker and makes beautiful clothes for me and my 3 sisters. Yes, I would have three sisters, and 4 brothers, why I do not know, that is a big family. As for my dad, he is, of course, tall and handsome, unlike the hook and his men. he has blonde hair and brown eyes and i am going to name him Tom. i wonder how i just came up with that name. I will name my mom Sara. My 3 sisters will be Mary, Teresa and of course Isabelle because she seems like a little sister already. My brother's names are Tom Junior, Jonas, Michael and of course Peter. Isabelle and I are the youngest. Then it goes to Tom Junior, Mary, Jonas, Teresa, Michael, and then Peter. We live in a big house on a hill, that is white. We have a dog and a cat, some chickens, and a cow. My dad is a banker and seems to like his job. All of us kids go to school except Tom Junior, he works at the bank with our dad, and Mary, she is about to get married.

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