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Where is Hooks Homeland? Could it be mine and Isabelle's also? I wish I could remember anything. Being Hook's step-daughter is terrifying. Not only for me but for Isabelle, she is so young, he will make her believe bad things. I must protect her. But first, he wants to auction Peter to the highest bidder, we can not let that happen. We need to find a way out of this room. Now that we are docked we can make a plan. First, are we docked at the harbor or out in the bay? Hopefully, Cubby will bring our dinner tonight and we can ask him. The biggest question I have had for a long time is does Hook know that Peter Pan needs Tinker Bell near to fly?

We all take a nap,and are woken by lots of noise on the deck. It seems that some of Hooks friends have arrived. They do not believe hook has caught Peter Pan. We can hear them saying "we want to see him, now, Hook". They are not just saying it they are really yelling it. Peter looks really scared and I am scared for him. We all hear someone at the door, it is Smee.

He says " Peter Pan come here", he has a rope with him. Peter moves slowly toward him, Smee grabs him and ties his legs together and his arms also. Tink is going crazy, she buzzes Smee's head, he swats at her. Peter says "Stop Tink he will hurt you, i will be okay". She comes and sits on Isabelle's shoulder. We are all sobbing as he picks Peter up and takes him away.

We listen closely, as the pirates all scream and yell hurray, let's start the bidding now. We hear Hooks loud voice say, "NO, everybody is not here yet, many more pirates are coming, it will be at least two days before the bidding starts", then "Smee take Pan back".

He brings Peter back and unties him then leaves. Peter Pan starts flying around like he is all happy. Isabelle, Tink and I just stare at him. "Cheer up," he says.

"Why," I ask.

"Because I know where we are at, Hooks homeland is a great place", he said.

"Good people live here, I want to make a hole in the side of this room so Tink can come and go" he added.

"She can sneak out and they will never know", he added " this room is partly above the waterline" he flew to where he wanted to make the hole, then added a big "Yipee".

We are all still staring at him.

"Snap out of it", he says.

"What exactly are we supposed to use to make a hole in the wall genius", I ask.

That calms him down, we all start looking around for something, anything to use for making a hole. We still had our spoons and metal plates from breakfast. maybe we can use them. I go over to the wall and start picking at the wood.

I ask Peter " how high does the hole have to be".

He says "from here on up".

"Okay, let us make it here, that way we can hide the hole", I said.

"I think we can pick at this wood with the end have our spoons and make a small hole", I said.

As we did that the wood started splintering off, some of it seemed a little rotted. That was good for us. We had a hole made in no time. It was so tiny, but Tink is tiny, we should have done this a lot earlier. Now we had to hide it. Isabelle ripped off a little piece of her blanket and stuffed it in the small hole. It happened to be the same color as the ship's wall.

We all decided that Tink would wait until dark and things got quiet before she went for her first flight off the ship.

Slightly brought our dinner, it was meat and potatoes. It was actually good, the lost boys had cooked it. Slightly would not talk much, just a hi and bye, we are not sure what that was all about. Smee came back for the dishes and said to go to sleep, it is going to be a long day tomorrow. He did not see the hole, but he gave us alight. We have not had a light in this room, well we have never had a light. Anyway, what do we need light for, we have nothing to read, and we already know every nook and cranny of the small room?

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