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The fact that Peter was right and we were going to have to stay here made me extremely nervous. Once we found out that Hook and his men were getting closer to the boat we start to put things back to the way that they were. While the lost boys and I were fixing things Peter was trying to get Tink to go back in the wall so that if Hook goes to check she will still be there. After a few seconds of yelling or I guess yelling and twinkling Peter finally got Tink to go back in the wall. Peter and I then moved the bookcase to block the hole that Peter had made earlier. It seems that it would be a good enough cover. We all then tried to find a good hiding spot while Peter was fixing the books that he made fall on the floor.

Once we were all hiding we tried to stay as still and as quiet as possible. Then I heard the voice that we have been looking for this whole time.

"Put me down! Peter and Victoria will come for me." Isabelle yelled.

"Of course they will sweetheart." Hook said teasing Isabelle.

I could that they were walking towards the room that we were hiding in and tried to listen carefully. When they opened the door to the room that we hid in I heard Hook say to Smee to take Isabelle somewhere bellow deck and do not forget to lock it. Hook then walked over to the wall and put his head against it and knocked three times and waited for a reply from tink. When he finally heard one he turned and walked towards the other members of his crew and told them to go do something probably sweep the deck or something. After they left Hook walked over to his desk and sat down. He started to write something down but he seemed very serious while doing it. Once he was done with whatever it was that he was working on he folded it up and put it in an envelope then rolled it and grabbed an empty bottle. He walked out of the room and closed the door with a grunt and a bang. We stayed quiet for a few minutes to make sure that Hook would not come back. i then get out of the dresser that I was hiding in and tip-toed over to where Peter was hiding.

"What are you doing to go back to your hiding spot!" Peter whisper-shouted.

"I needed to ask you when do you want to look for Isabelle? I am pretty she is bellow deck. I said to Peter.

"I do not know once they fall asleep I guess and how do you know that?"

"I heard Hook tell Smee to take Isabelle bellow deck and do not forget to lock it or something like that," I told him.

"Okay, then we will need to find a trap door that would lead bellow deck." He stated.

"Really I had no idea," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, Veronica you might want to go back to your hiding spot." Cubby said.

"Why, is Hook on his way back already?" I asked him.

"No, but Smee is," he said.

I quickly turned away from Peter and ran towards the dresser that I was hiding in before. I opened the door to climb into the dresser when the door opened. I turned to look and the door and found Smee glaring at me while holding Isabelle by the shirt.

"What exactly are you doing in Hook's cabin?" Smee asked me.

"Well I was trying to hide but I guess that did not turn out the way that I wanted it to," I said.

"Come on your coming with me," Smee said with a smirk.

I slowly started walling towards Smee when I saw Hook walk towards the boat from the ocean. He seems unsettled about something that was troubling him. I let Smee grab onto my arm and drag me out to the deck. I look back behind me and made eye contact with Peter and shook my head no to tell not to come after me. Smee then walked us over to where Hook was about to board the ship.

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