Part 3

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After Mrs. Slusher grabbed Lily's diapers, the flight attendant came over and asked how they were doing. "Oh, we're doing just fine. Our baby here just has to get changed, a little longer and there would've been a big problem." Mrs. Slusher told the lady "I told you I'm not a baby!" Lily said as her stomach cramped, she grabbed her stomach and crossed her legs trying to keep it in. "Oh no! Not again Lily." Mrs. Slusher said. "I told you... ahhh...I'm!" She said using all her might to hold back the piss and massive poop. She couldn't do it any longer, she tried to let a little out but it all came out like a waterfall. There was a loud noticable hissing noise, and her diaper began to sag and turn yellow. "Y-y... ohhhhahh... y-y-you...ahhh... never l-l-listen...ahhhhhhohhh.. y-you never listen t-to m-m-m-me!" She said with every bit of strength trying not to poop herself, but she couldn't do it, she released the biggest and smelliest poop into her diaper. It was so bad that the diaper sagged all the way down to her lower thigh. The once white diaper with a purple butterfly print on it, was now a gross mix of dark brown and yellow with the butterflies almost faded away. "Is this how you want to get my attention Lily?" Mrs. Slusher said as she reached to check her diaper. "Did you seriously? Yup, alright let's hurry up and get changed. This is exactly why I didn't want you coming along." Lily felt her eyes sting, "I-Im sorry, I..." She started as Mrs. Slusher pulled her to the bathroom. "My presentation is tommorow, that's where my focus should be not your pants needing to be changed after every snack." Lily could feel tears dwelling. "Come on Lily, let's just get it over with." Lily looked back at her with tears rolling down her chin, and she bit her lip to not make a noise. "Lily I... nevermind. Come on, let's get you up here."Mrs. Slusher picked Lily up and put her down on the table. The poop and pee in Lily's diaper speed all over her back, making her cry even more. She balled as she grabbed Mrs. Slusher. "I'm sorry Lily, it's gonna be ok after this is done." Lily wiped her tears and laid down on the table raising her legs in the air. Mrs. Slusher changed her and they returned to there seats where they stayed the rest of the ride. Except for changes of course.😉

Hey guys I'm back, if you didn't know already my gf's and my relationship has ended. So I'm back for good, I left bc she threatened to break up with me at the end of October, I think, is I didn't quit this. But she dumped me (thank god) and now I'm back to finish old stories and start new ones. See y'all on the next page, PEACE!!✌️😁

 See y'all on the next page, PEACE!!✌️😁

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