Part 4 (this and on I made up)

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They landed at the first airport a bit earlier than expected so they had some time to kill, they decided to rent a hotel room just in case they didn't want to do anything. "Alright, the plane leaves at 4:30 pm. You have eight hours to kill, here's your plane ticket and some money to explore Florida." Mrs. Slusher said as she handed Lily the money and ticket. "Oh, and you can't forget these." She gave Lily a super obvious diaper bag that matched her diapers with Baby Lily's Bag printed on both sides. "I'll be here or at the store getting supplies for you if you need me, and you know how to change yourself right?" "Yes, and I was wondering if..." "No, your not just going out in a pull up. You need all the protection you need." "Fine!" Lily said as she stormed out the door.

Lily was walking around the block looking for a Chimchar to evolve her shiny Monferno, when she got hungry. I never had breakfast yet. She thought to herself as she headed for the coffee shop. She ordered a latte with a donut and ate as she finally evolved her Monferno. She left the shop and decided to go to the mall to shop for comfy clothes for lounging and hiding her diapers. When she got to the mall, she saw a cute cashier standing at the clothing section. She went over there to ask her for help find comfy sweats and sweatshirts. She walked Lily over to the sweatpants first and showed her some that lily didn't seem to care for. So the cashier bent over and that's when Lily saw it, the cashier was wearing a diaper. "Here you go ma'am, these should be a good fit for you." "Umm, could you come with me to the changing rooms please. To see if they fit right." Lily asked, then her stomach grumbled. Oh come on, this is the worst time ever for me to shit myself. They went inside and the cashier asked Lily to try on the pants, so Lily removed her tights and skirt to reveal a diaper. The cashier stared at it then checked to see if anyone else was there, after she came back she removed her pants to reveal and even bigger diaper. "You wear diapers too?" Lily asked trying to act surprised, her stomach hurt even more now. " Yes," the cashier admitted, "and trust me those pants aren't gonna be any good. After this we should go to a shop I know that sells things for us." "Ok then, thank you." Lily said, then just before she left she asked her. "Are by any chance gay?" "Yes as well." "Oh great, so then is...unhhhg." Lily tried to asked without making it obvious that she was about to shit herself in nothing but a diaper in front of her crush. "Is.. ahh... is it... uggghh..." "Shhhh," the cashier said as she pressed on Lily's stomach. "just let it all out baby." "uggghh... is.. it...ahhhh...a.. d-date then-n? ugggghhh." Lily said right when she pooped and pissed so much that her diaper now was sagging past her skirt. "Yes it is baby😉" the cashier said as she walked away. "By the way I'm Alex." "I'm Lily" she said trying to cover the sound of her diaper squishing when she moved.

Hey guys, sorry if this is a little weird for some people that Lily is now gay. But I kinda like where these two are headed. And I'm also sorry for adding the grunting sounds in odd places, I just want it to seem like when she talks while she shits she struggles to hold it in. That's all for now, go ahead and give me a follow on Instagram @fakemon_dreamteam, until then PEACE. ✌️😁

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