Part 2

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Before the plane took off, Mrs. Slusher figured that Lily needed a change or else she would hey a rash. And that would be even worse to take care of. Mrs. Slusher dug around in Lily's diaper bag and gave her a pull up. "Here," Mrs. Slusher said, "put this on and prove to me that you don't need the extra thick diapers." "Could I at least have my skirt to hide these?" Lily asked. "No, I still have to watch it." Lily took the pull up and jogged back to the bathroom. When she got there she took off the plastic panties, the dry diaper, the half wet diaper, and the sopping wet super smelly diaper. She put the used ones where other diapers went, then folded the dry one up and then put on the pull up. Hey wait a minute, Lily thought to herself, this pull up is 2 night time pull ups stitched together! "God I fucking hate her!" Lily said to herself outloud. The worst part was, that they were the same babyish design on them, and the stitches were barely noticeable so it looked like she already used them.

Lily returned to her booster and Mrs. Slusher strapped her in tightly. "Why does it have to be so tight?" Lily asked. "So then I notice if you try to get out and change yourself to seem dry." The plane took off, and Lily stared out the window because she always likes to see how high up she is. "Good afternoon miss," A flight attendant said to Mrs. Slusher, "could I offer you a drink?" "What do you have?" Lily heard what was going on and waited for her order. "We have cocktails, white wine, red wine..." the flight attendant said. "A glass of red wine please." Mrs. Slusher ordered. "And may I have a glass of white wine?" Lily asked. "Awwww, how cute! Hiw 'bout a cup of apple juice for the baby." She handed Lily a sippy cup of apple juice, then asked if that was all and left. "I'm not a baby." Lily said as she reluctantly sucked the sippy cup.

After about 30 minutes, Lily grew tired because she had stayed up too late the night before talking to her friends. She fell asleep and started to dream. Her dream was that she was stuck in a flood at her house. In her dream she was in a crib with a passi in her mouth, peacefully sleeping. Then all of a sudden Mrs. Slusher bursts through the door screaming for Lily to wake up. Lily slowly gets out of the crib and asks what's going on. Mrs. Slusher grabbed Lily and said there was no time, since they were on the bottom floor they had go get to the roof. Lily was walking up the stairs when she heard a loud crash, and water came flowing down and into the basement. It quickly flooded the whole room, Lily was so scared that she forgot to get out. The water slowly rose and when it got to her feet she started to feel the water in her pants, then it almost trickled down her leg when she heard someone screaming her name. "Lily! Lily..."

"Lily," Mrs. Slusher said as she shook Lily awake, "your soaked, you need to get changed." Lily was confused until she looked down at her diaper. She screamed and grabbed the yellow tinted diaper to make sure this wasn't apart of the dream. Mrs. Slusher unbuckled Lily from the car seat, then they both got up and started to the bathroom. "I'm sorry!" Lily stared. "Its not like I did it on purpose!" "Enough! Just go get changed." Mrs. Slusher said. "Absolutely no control, I swear." Mrs. Slusher mumbled to herself as she grabbed one of the extra thick diapers and headed for the bathroom.

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. (I feel like that's how it always starts.) But I have good news. 1. My Instagram account fakemon_dreamteam is doing pretty good, not sure if its u guys or what. 2. I noticed that we r nearing 100 followers here, so I decided to write on The People's Story and a Q&A. So look for those soon. See u guys on the next page, and don't forget to check out my Instagram, PEACE! (And I do realize I got the name wrong fir the main character.)

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