Part 5

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Lily and Alex left the mall after they browsed the stores some and got in Alex's car to drive to the new store Alex was talking about. "Hey, what time does your break end at?" Lily asked Alex. "Actually, I quit because I found a new job in business. I'm taking lessons from someone starting today, so I have to leave on a plane for England at 4:30 pm today." Alex replied. "Oh really, because I'm also leaving on a plane for England at 4:30. Will you move to somewhere new for this job?" Come on, come on, please move to where my parents work. Lily thought as she listened to Alex. "Actually yea, I'm moving to Philadelphia after the trip. Why do you ask?" "Because I live there, and where do you work?" "Athlead" "OH MY GOD!! My parents work there, and so does Mrs. Slusher." "No way! Looks like we can be together for a long time. Oh, we're here." Alex pulled into the parking lot to a small store called, 'Abdl Shop.' Alex lead Lily into the store and when Lily got in she was super embarrassed. "Oh no, you've got me all wrong. I'm not that, I'm being punished by my parents I don't enjoy this." Lily franticly said to Alex. "Hey, yes pants no service if your wearing a diaper." The person at the register said to the girls, who also wasn't wearing pants and just a diaper. As Lily looked through the store she noticed every person here without pants was wearing a diaper, only a couple who were looking at diapers were wearing pants. Alex took her pants off and her kind of brown diaper was on full show, then she reached for Lily's skirt. "NO! NO YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY SKIRT OFF!" Lily screamed at Alex, who was already ripping off Lily's skirt to reveal the rest of her dark brown and bright yellow diaper to everyone. "Come on baby." Alex said taking Lily to the 'Keep it a Secret' aisle of the store. There were some decent clothes that his Lily's diaper well and we're comfy. "Look at this!" Lily said to Alex, "it's a pair of pants that can absorb any leaks, and keep it's color as well. Isn't that cool!" "Yes! We are getting some of those." Alex said as she took 3 black ones with a blue, red, and grey stripe. And Lily also grabbed 3 black pants with a pink, purple, and tie-dye stripe. They checked out of the store and headed back to Lily's hotel. When they got back, Mrs. Slusher was surprised that Lily brought back her new trainey. "Well Lily, it would seem as if you'd already met Alex. She is going to come with us and then back home as well." Mrs. Slusher said. "Oh I know, she had already told me on the way to the mall." Lily replied. After that Mrs. Slusher's watch had gone off, telling them it was time to go. "Alrighty then, pack up your new things and let's go!" "My stuff is in my car, should I go get that quickly?" Alex asked. "Yes, that's fine with me."
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts for ever. Uhhhhh. I've just been busy with school and work and all that stupid shit. But I hope to keep posting sooner next time. And again follow me on insta @ marlexa_region. See u on the next page. PEACE!! ✌️

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