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Amy's pov

"Momma look!" Riley said holding up her artwork from school as she ran to me.

"So pretty! How was school?" I picked her up holding her as I walked to the car.

"It was okay, do we have to move? I have the bestest friends here! I don't want to be the new 2nd grader."

"Yes, we need a fresh start, I know that you will miss your friends but you will make new friends at your new school. You will only be the new kid for a little then you will be just a normal student there."

I got her in her car seat then got into the driver's seat.

"Are we leaving because of dad?" she asked as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Yes. We need a fresh start from him."

"I don't even know what he looks like."

"That is a good thing, remember stranger danger. Now let's go home and finish packing and I will order pizza for dinner."

"Yay Pizza!"

When we got home we didn't have much more to pack. I took the day off of work today saying that I am sick. They don't know that I am leaving. If I told them, then they will tell him. I need to get her out of this town.

"Did you tell anyone at school that you are leaving?" I asked her.

"No, I kept it a secret."

"Good girl, now go to bed. I am going to pack up the boxes in the car that way we can leave first thing in the morning."

I tucked her into bed then rushed to get the boxes in the car.

I got the last box in the trunk when I heard his voice.

"You look so sick."

"I needed a spring cleaning day." I turned around looking him in his dark green eyes.

"You got rid of all of that?" He eyed the trunk.

"It's all old clothes that we don't fit into anymore, someone can use them."

"You need to tell me when you are taking off of work."


"So I know where your at."

"The only thing you are is the sperm donor to our daughter."

"I am the one who bought you this house!"

"No, your parents did. Look, I need to go to bed. I'm going to work tomorrow and I don't want you waking your child up. You know the one you never visit."

"What do you mean? I give you money every week for that kid!"

"That money goes into an account that I can't touch. It is for when she turns 18! Do you pay attention to anything?"

"Are you raising your voice at me?" He got closer to me.

"Get away or I swear to god I will kick you in the balls go hard they will be in your mouth." I growled.

"Why all of a sudden do you think you're so tough?" He got in my face.

"I am just sick of your shit! Now get away from me, I need to go to work. You know some of us have real jobs and don't live off of mommy and daddy."

I pushed him away from me then rushed to the door locking it. I pressed the panic button on the alarm system then stood guard at the door. I am not letting him hurt Riley.

"OPEN THIS DOOR!" He pounded on the door.

"GO AWAY!" I put a chair under the door knob to help me keep it closed.

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