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Amy's pov

I stood outside the school and waited for Riley to walk out. There are a lot of parents here, which is good for us. If he does find us, then we can blend in with the group.

"Mommy!" Riley screamed as she ran to me.

I kneeled down on the group opening my arms for her. She ran into my arms as I gave her a huge hug.

"Oh how I have missed you." I said holding her tight.

"I missed you too momma."

"How was your first day here?"

"There are some mean girls in class, they kept picking on this girl who makes weird movements with her hands and she doesn't talk."

"She did what?" I looked at her confused.

"She is right there." Riley pointed to her.

I looked over and saw a male kneeling on the ground using sign language to talk to a little girl running up to him.

"First we don't point at people, that is not nice, second she is deaf so they are using sign language to talk." I said looking at her.

"Momma, she seems really nice, I want to be her friend."

"Okay, we just need to teach you sign language. I can look at a video online tonight."

"Really?" She was jumping in my arms.

"Yes, really." I started to laugh. "Come on we need to get home and make some dinner."

When we got home, I made some grilled chicken and fries for dinner. Then I did homework with Riley.

"Mom, I want to learn sign language." She whined.

"I know but you need to learn math first, let's finish your work sheet then we can learn sign language."

"But math is hard!"

"Then we will keep working on it until it gets easy. Remember we don't give up on things."

"Then why are you not with dad? Did you give up on him?"

"No, there was nothing there with me and your dad."

"Then why did you have me?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, a mom and dad have to ask the stork to bring them a baby."

"This is true."

"So, then why did you ask for me if you two are not together?"

"Because when I found out about you I knew that I had to have you in my life. So we asked for you to come to me, he agreed to help out with you but he hasn't been keeping his promise."


"Yes, so now can we get back to your math? The longer we play around, the longer it will take to get to you learning sign language."

"Ugh, fine."

"No sass, missy."

"Sorry momma, I just hate math!"

"I know you do but you need to learn it, you are almost done with this worksheet, the next question says, Jill needs to earn enough money to buy a new skateboard that cost $48.50. She has $12.54. How much does she need to buy the skateboard?"

"Too much." Riley covered her eyes with her hands.

"Come on, what is $48.50 - $12.54?"

She picked up her pencil and started to work on the problem.

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