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Amy's pov

I stood outside of Riley's school waiting for her to come out, after everyone else's kid came out I saw that Mark was still waiting for Maddox.

"I wonder what is going on." I said walking to him.

"It is not normal for Maddox to be the last one out."

"Amy and Mark, can you please come with me." One of Riley's teachers said peeking out of the door.

We followed her to a class room where Riley and Maddox where playing.

"I told you two to stay in your seats." The teacher yelled.

"Don't yell at my child." I glared at her, "Riley, why are you still here?".

"Mrs. Rubby is not letting us leave." Riley looked down.

"Keep playing with Maddox while we talk to your teacher."

"Mrs. Rubby." Mark said, "Why are our kids still here?"

"Have a seat." She said.

We both took a seat waiting for her to explain herself.

"Riley and Maddox have both been suspended." She said.

"Suspended?" I choked out.

"Yes, they were fighting another classmate."

"Riley doesn't throw the first punch, I taught her that."

"Maddox doesn't even know how to fight." Mark's tone was sharp.

"Mommy." Riley ran towards me. "I didn't throw the first punch, I promise."

"What happened?" I asked her, "And remember to tell me the truth."

"Karen and her friends were being mean to Maddox. they were talking bad about her calling her names. I told them to stop that it is not time to do that. They laughed and started calling me names. I told them that I would rather them make fun of me because I can hear them and I can defend myself. They kept making fun of Maddox and Karen took a block and threw it at Maddox hitting her in the head."

"MY CHILD WAS HIT IN THE HEAD!" Mark exploded.

"Riley, I told you that I did not see this." Mrs. Rubby said.

"Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean that it didn't happen!" Riley said, looking at her.

Maddox walked over to Mark, showing him her head. He moved some of her hair out of the way.

"There is a scratch on my daughter's head." He glared at Mrs. Rubby.

"She could have gotten that by scratching too hard."

"Mommy, I promise I am telling the truth, after she threw the block I pushed Karen to the ground. She tried to get up, so I kicked her in the chest to stay down. That is when Mrs. Rubby saw us."

"I believe my child." I looked at Mrs. Rubby, "How dare you not believe them! There is proof that another student assaulted another student and you are punishing the victims."

"Since I did not see the block being thrown there is nothing that I can do, both Riley and Maddox will be off tomorrow."

"This is crazy!" Mark said, "What did Karen get for throwing a block at my child's head?"

"I did not see it happen."

Mark's face was turning red. "Your boss will be hearing about this." He picked Maddox up and walked out the door.

"Looks like you will be going to work with me tomorrow." I said taking Riley's hand.

I got her book bag and Maddox's bag as well and went out of the school.

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