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Amy's pov

I heard them talking, Riley and Maddox are opening their gifts. I can hear the wrapping paper being torn open.

I slowly opened my eyes watching them smiling and showing off their new toys. I looked around the room, it looked like the kids had a blast putting everything up. I need to thank Mark and Tyler for all of this. For taking care of Riley while I healed.

"Hey." Mark said low as he walked over to me.

I tried to give him a smile but the tube down my throat stopped me.

"It is okay, I will get the nurse to take that out of you, Riley doesn't know that you are up, I don't think you want her to see that being pulled out of you."

I nodded my head then closed my eyes so Riley has no idea that I am up, I felt Mark walking away from me. After a few moments the nurse was standing next to me.

"Hey Riley, why don't you go get changed." Mark said.

I heard Riley's little footsteps leave the room.

"Amy, open your eyes." The nurse said.

I opened my eyes to see her at my machines.

"I am going to take the breathing tube out of you." She said.

I nodded my head yes,

She pulled the tape off of my face then lifted the tube out of me. I held in the feeling of wanting to throw up as the tube came out of me. Once it was out I took a few deep breaths.

"How do you feel?" Mark asked low.

"Alive. Thanks to you." I smiled at him.

"That was all you, all I did get you here."

"Thank you for that."

"There is someone who wants to see you." He smiled at me.

I heard the bathroom door open and Riley's little footsteps walk back into the room.

"Riley?" I called out.

"MOM!" She ran to me, Mark caught her in mid air helping her lay on me as I held her tight.

"Momma has you, thank you for listening to me and going to Tyler." I said kissing the top of her head a bunch of times.

"That is what you told me to do."

"Yep, and Tyler took you to a safe place where you have been with Maddox and Mark."

"Mark found you, he said that he would and he did! My christmas wish came true! Merry Christmas mommy!"

"Merry christmas Riley. Why don't you show me what Santa got you."

She climbed off of me then rushed to her pile of clothes and toys.

"Thank you." I said to Mark and Tyler as the kids were playing with their toys.

"It is what family does." Mark smiled at me.

"Not all families would have done this, my own family didn't take Riley in when I told them what happened. They also didn't know most of the crap we went through but, you guys took Riley and kept her safe then came and found me. Thank you."

"Is it okay if I sit next to you?" Mark asked low.

I nodded  my head yes as he sat next to me in the bed.

I curled up into him as he wrapped his arm around me.

"What did you ask Santa for Christmas?" I asked looking up at  him.

"For you to be safe." He looked down at me.

"Thanks to you I am." I smiled.

He leaned down lifting my chin up bringing his lips down to mine.

"Yes!" Riley said as we pulled away.

"What are you yesing?" I laughed looking at her.

"We got our Christmas wish!" Riley signed to Maddox who was grinning ear to ear.

"The kids have been waiting for you two to be together for awhile now." Tyler laughed.

"We both just need to heal." Mark signed to them.

"Healing takes time." I signed to them.

I looked back at Mark and this time I pulled him in for a kiss. "It looks like we all got our Christmas wish."

One year later.

Amy's pov

I walked into the courtroom with Mark by my side. The gunshot didn't kill Adam, but they were able to get him.

"I got you." Mark said as he took my hand into his. " He is cuffed up and can't hurt you or Riley anymore, Tyler has both Maddox and Riley. They are playing a bunch of games right now."

I gave him a weak smile then kept walking into the room. Mark helped me to my seat then sat down next to me.

They talked about how Adam forced me to raise his kid not being able to talk to anyone. How he hit me and yelled at me all the time. They went over police reports of them being sent to the house but they never did anything, well until that last night of him baning on the door and him throwing me into the car.

Court went on for hours, finally the judge had enough and stopped the court sending him to jail for life. Half of the court booed while the other half cheered. I gripped Mark's hand smiling at him.

I am free from Adam, and so is Riley.  I felt the weight of the world being lifted off of me from hearing those words. We watched Adam fight with the officers as they dragged him into the back of the courtroom.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked as he pulled me away from Adam.

"Yeah, he is just being his normal self whenever he doesn't get his way."

"And now you don't have to worry about him any longer."

"Thank you." I smiled at Mark.

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