Chapter 2

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As (Y/N) got off his pod, he looked around his surroundings. Only to see a male, in blue and white battle armor and Spikey up black hair. The other was a woman, with crazy wild black hair, in orange clothing. With blue shoes, and blue things on her wrist. When (Y/N) got out of the crater, he was greeted with the two people infront of him.

???:"Hey, what are you doing here! State your business!"

(Y/N) flinched and was shaking so bad, that it was so noticeable for the two. Then the female, came up to him and said.....

???:"I'm sorry about Vegeta, he's usually like this. But Hi, my name is Goki. Who are you." she said, as she tried to approached

(Y/N) was so scared as he thought, Goki and Vegeta were going hurt him verbally or physically. He was so scared, that he silently began to cry. Both nodded this and wondered what's wrong. So, Goki grab (Y/N) and Vegeta to the Capsule Corp. (Y/N) ran his back to a wall, and was letting PTSD take over.

???:"Um... Who's this"

(Y/N) looked up to see a blue haired woman in a lab coat, and a young purpled haired boy by her side.

Trunks:"Hey dad, who's this wuss?"

Goki:"Hey Bulma and Trunks, and we don't know. When we tried to get to know him, he was afraid and shaking then began to cry."

Bulma:"Well that's not good."

Vegeta:"Why is that?"

Bulma:"Because those are signs of, him suffering from PTSD."

Goki:"What's PTSD?" she asked so curiously, while Vegeta was waiting for an answer.

Bulma:"Trunks can you leave please, this some stuff you shouldn't be hearing."

Trunks:"Okay mom, see ya." he said, as he walked out of the room.

Bulma:"PTSD, means Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's mental health condition that triggered by Terrifying events. And gives, the person anxiety, nightmares, and lots of self hate and depression. So whatever happenend to him, it must have been pretty hard for him." she said, as she walked to him.

(Y/N) had his hoodie on, and he was just waiting for his punishment to come. But the woman named Bulma, kneeled down and said...

Bulma:"Hey, there. Listen we not going to hurt you, so please tell us what's your name." she said in a kind and gentle voice.

(Y/N) sign language:"My name is, (Y/N) (L/N). Plus I'm sorry, but I was born a mute." he said so quickly.

Bulma:"Well he said, that his name is (Y/N) (L/N). And he said, that he was born a mute."

Goki:"What's a mute?"

Bulma:"A mute is when someone is unable to speak and tries to find methods to communicate."

Vegeta:"Well, I guess that explains why he doesn't speak. And why he was a baby."

(Y/N) flinched at Vegeta's words and begins to silently whimper.

Bulma:"Vegeta! Cut him some slack, will y'a!?"

Vegeta:"Tch, Fine. But he still needs to explain why he's here on earth, plus he's a Sayian as well."

As he was being swarm with questions; (Y/N) can't take it, and flew away to some Forest. (Y/N) then hid his energy from the others, and flew somewhere to self inflict. When Goki tried to ues Instant Transmission, but she couldn't find him. When they were just about to got after him, Whis and Beerus appeared.

Goki:"Hey Whis, Lord Beerus, what bring you two here?"

Beerus:"Because We sensed a powerful energy here on earth, so we came to see the cause."

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