Chapter 6

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Hello Ladies and gentlemen, I'm planning to release a Male Sayian reader X RWBY harem somewhere close to Valentine's Day.

~Warning The story contains some Depression, Self harm, self hate, Blood etc.~

Anyways on with the chapter....

~(Y/N)'s Perspective~

You and Vegeta were facing each other from a far away distance, as you stood there watching Vegeta getting into a fighting stance. He was watch you with eyes that, were filled with pride and anger. You then got into a fighting stance, as you both waited for Goki to start this match.

Goki:"Now..... BEGIN!!!"

After she said that, Vegeta rushed towards you as you did the same. Both of your fist collided, causing smoke to appear. You both then moved in hyper speeds, where white clashes were appearing in the sky. You and Vegeta, blocking and countering each others attacks. You threw a kick at Vegeta's side, but he blocked it with his right arm. Vegeta then grabbed a hold of your leg, before he span your around and throwing you away. You recovered yourself by stopping yourself midair, before you rushed back at Vegeta. As you were approaching, you fired a few ki blasts into his direction. But he effortlessly deflected them, as you kept coming to him. Then, both of your arms collided before Vegeta went for a knee to your stomach. You managed to block it with your own; went to attack Vegeta in the face with a punch. He blocked it, and sent a kick at you. But you blocked it with you arm, before you blocked a incoming punch to the side. You sent a punch at Vegeta's left side, only to have Vegeta grab it. So you tried to attack his other side, but he caught that as well. While you both were struggling to gain dominance, Vegeta said to you..

Vegeta:"Come, I know you can do better than this (Y/N)!"

After he said that, he landed a knee on your stomach. When that happened, Vegeta then kicked at your left side to send you away. You recover yourself, to look at Vegeta rushing at you. He tried to hit you from your right, but you caught it as you send a punch to his face. Vegeta grabbed it, causing you two to be in a stalemate again.

He transforms into a Super Sayian. He tried to kick you in the chin, but you did a backflip and made Vegeta let go of you. You then transform into a Super Sayian, as you looked at Vegeta. Vegeta rushed at you with a punch coming to your chest, but you managed to block it before you and Vegeta got into an clash of consecutive attacks.

~Goki's Perspective~

This fight was getting me so itching to fight, as it went on. I saw (Y/N) block a kick from Vegeta, and countered with a more sharper and quicker punch. Vegeta blocked it, and went for a kick. (Y/N) dodged it by move to the right, before going in with a barrage of attacks. Vegeta blocked them, by crossing his arms as a shield.

Man, this is getting excited to see. It makes me more curious, of where this fight will go. But then I saw, Vegeta pushed back few distance away before recovering himself. (Y/N) managed to get behind Vegeta, to sledgehammer him down to the ground. Vegeta manage to land of his feet, but a big crater underneath him. I watched as, (Y/N) descend down to the ground.

Oh boy, I wish I was the one fighting (Y/N) right now.

~3rd Person P.O.V~

As (Y/N) and Vegeta were starting at each other, Vegeta replied....

Vegeta:"How about, we start taking this seriously now?" He said, transforming into SS5.

(Y/N) stood still, as he two transformed into SS5. The little bits of rocks round them began to levitate, by their sheer power. Both Saiyans charged at each other, to collide with their fists. In seconds, both Saiyans were trading blows from each other as the flew around; trying to gain the upper hand on the other. Goki on the other hand, was smiling with a look of determination on her face. She watched as, (Y/N) fired out a yellow large beam at Vegeta. Vegeta did a midair backflip, to evade the beam. He then unleashed, a barrage of ki blasts down on (Y/N). When all of it hits (Y/N), Vegeta sent a beam blast toward him. This increased, the size of the smoke that just appeared. When it was cleared, (Y/N) was no where to be found. Vegeta then felt, a strong hit from his face that sent him flying away. Vegeta didn't recover, because (Y/N) came in front of him and sledgehammered  smoked died out, Vegeta stood in the big crater with some scratches covering around his body. Vegeta then began to transform into SSB, indicating the he was done fooling around.

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