Chapter 20

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Zolo's POV:
So I was just doing my own thing when breaking news interrupted my radio show on CBC Radio 1 and the announcer said " This just in we have received a couple of videos just now from police..." I stopped listening and knew that it was important I called my dad on his 'family instant contact' number "Yes?" He asked and I told him " did you authorize releasing videos to CBC?" "No, pull those videos off their server know they should not have them I didn't delete the background under the censored version yet!" I did not respond as I broke through the CBC firewall and highlighted all of the videos and transfers them to my dad's laptop through too many satellites to make an accurate but untraceable trade but they had one open I had to skip it I put the message " you will do more harm than good to the victims by releasing these videos -the $@VIOR13" and told my dad they had one open and I don't want the cybercrimes division banning my vigilante's efforts so I couldn't get that one he sighed heavily " they had the video with Spencer in it the one where they reveal all that he's done under threat and his ' speech' that they gave him" I said goodbye and closed the phone and slammed the desk I was at then I heard Lloyd say " why did Spencer work with them?" I got up shocked him so bad that his fur was all straight up and yelled " HE DIDN'T! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY HE HEALED THE VICTIMS? WHY HE WAS SO COMPLIANT TO THAT MONSTER? BECAUSE HE CARED ENOUGH FOR THE VICTIMS AND HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY THAT WHEN THEY THREATENED ANY LIFE OR PUNISHMENT ON ANYONE HE COMPLIED SO NO ONE WOULD TAKE THE WORST PAIN BECAUSE OF HIM HE CARED SO MUCH THAT EXCEPT HIMSELF HIS ONLY DEFIANT ACT WAS WHEN THEY COULD NOT ACT ON THE THREATS BECAUSE THEY WERE RESERVED FOR HIS SILENCE HE REJECTED THEM IN THE END SO BACK OFF LITTLE B****Y S**T AND GET ALL THE FACTS BEFORE MAKING ACCUSATIONS!!!" I was crying about halfway through and now that I was done I ran into Anu's chest and cried my eyes out on him the I heard Lloyd say " I'm sorry Zolo I-I just did not think that he was acting from the heart and also under threat he's my friend too and... and I had a friend who killed himself over what those monsters did to him so I wanted to ask you can you be my friend and also stop shocking me because it dose nothing to me." and with that he poked me and I felt weird and realized that he had the power of static electricity while I had just the power of any electricity ( that's how my electronics are always charging because contact with me charges them) and my fur had poofed up I sighed and told him " my fur has to be fixed it doesn't go down naturally because I have powers that cover all electricity types not just one." he snickers as his fur just starts falling back into place I grunted as Anu stated massaging my head to get my fur back into place then I heard car doors slam I sigh and told Anu to give me his phone I take it and put all of the electricity from my fur into his phone and it charges to 100% and my fur falls back to normal " doesn't that hurt you?" He asked in his adorable concerned voice " no it just has a limited amount each day and I charge my electronics with residual power the stuff I leak out as I hold the power in I usually have to power something like that when I don't use a lot but I did making your phone charge because I had to redirect and controls the flow of the electrical current." I explain as we go outside to see Spencer and Tiberus...

679 words yah short chapter but I wanted to set up that little scene so the next chapter makes more sense also I need to get this out now Winter break is upon us ( I'm still in high school so yeah ) any way I will be slowing down chapter and feedback and reading and keeping up on things because well I will not have the privacy to do so because as I had stated in a earlier update my Mom hates this book because it is a furry ( with scalies and oceanic anthros and Avains? I don't know the term for furry birds and other things that have feathers [plz help me find out] or what ocean creatures are called either) book and she thinks that I had stopped writing this book but as you can plainly see I didn't stop and I will be slow to pick up things but when school starts up again I will have more updates and more chapter and just catching u in general also just to clarify right now it is just a week until the Manitoba provincial elections and then after that I will focus more on school and thing ( school for the characters that is) and once the weekend is over I will develop the social life of my characters more but this is a long authors note so bu bye and as always stay true to you!

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