Don't force yourself to remember

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" really don't remember anything?"

You and Angel Dust were sitting on the couches in the lobby. Vaggie and Charlie were busy so he offered himself to keep you company while you were waiting for Alastor.

"Well actually...I..."
Was it a good idea to tell him about the flashbacks? Was it a good idea to tell him about the voice in your head?
Was it a good idea to tell anyone about this?

Maybe keeping it a secret was the smartest were in hell after all and as Vaggie said, someone could eventually try to fool you, taking advantage of your situation.

On that line of thoughts, you didn't remember anything about Angel Dust...he looked shocked when he saw you the first time...yet after the initial surprise, he was quite okay with you being human.

So were you two friends? Or did you just knew each other?
God...the fact that you couldn't remember the relationship you had with demons was a hassle.

" ok there bud? Didn't mean to break you."

Oh...You were so deep in thoughts you forgot to answer Angel.

"Oh nononono! You didn't do anything wrong! I was just...thinking about what to answer you."

Still, you decided to keep your voices and flashbacks to yourself.

"I don't really remember anything, but if someone talks to me about something that happened...there is a slight chance I remember."

Angel dust seemed bothered about your response, he picked up a magazine from the coffee table and started flipping mindlessly trough it.

The air was getting tense, where did Alastor go?! He was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago! You started to slightly panic and the stare fixed on you definitely didn't help.

A stare?

You casually looked behind you to find Husk sipping on cheap booze, he was looking at you, when he noticed you staring back, he looked away.
So you were right, Husk still cared about you.
You stood up from the red velvet couch you were sitting on and walked towards him, his eyes were flickering between you and the floor. As you were about to say hi, a noise behind you interrupted you.

Then, Alastor.

"Good afternoon my dear!"
his voice was louder than you remembered, Husk rolled his eyes and after taking one more quick glance at you, he walked off.

"I am terribly sorry about my delay but now I'm here! Tell me Y/N" He said spinning you around "Is that all of your belongings?" He pointed at the five carton boxes sitting in the corner of the lobby.

"Y-yes" you answered, you didn't even remember owning any of those things so you assumed that this was all you had.
"Hmm..." even after your answer he still looked unconvinced.
Then, he muttered something that made you freeze:

"I remember seeing more things last time I went into her room.."


Your mind was freaking out and your body was stiff, you couldn't move. Alastor kept walking towards the boxes as nothing happened.
Then, you collapsed.

He does it all for you.

You hit the floor, gaining everyone attention. Gasps and shouts of your name as you took your head between your hands.
As much as Charlie and Alastor were probably talking to you, the only thing that you could hear was the sweet voice in your head.

You don't have to overthink, you don't have to force yourself to remember.
The answers you want are lying in the mansion that smells like Cinnamon, Blood and Campfire.

You tried to take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and...warmth?

You realized you were squinting, you opened your eyes to find a jacket made out of red textile, since your vision was blurry and dark you focused on your other senses.

The crackling of fire could be heard in the distance,
a side of your body was pressed against something equally balanced between soft and hard, it was warm and was rising and sinking ever so slightly, like it was alive, probably because it was.
Keeping your eyes open required you too much energy so you closed them again.
A hand was caressing your back and a distant hum drifted you to sleep.


Oops, my hand slipped.
So yeah... This was supposed to be the chapter in which you moved into Alastor's house but..... I got some fluff?

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this small chapter!!!


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