I don't want my memories back

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Alastor teleported both of you in the lobby of the hotel, and as soon as the black faded into colours, the queen and king of hell were standing right in front of you. Charlie was blocking them from going any further into the hotel, you noticed a faint sad smile on Lily's face as you appeared.

Ah shit... What to they want?!

"Why are they here?" you leaned closer to Angel Dust to whisper into his ears, "I don't fuking know!" He whisper-shouted, "I just woke up and they were already here!" Alastor cleared his throat and walked closer to Lucifer, greeting both him and his wife with irony and a bow. 

"May I ask why the happy couple who rules hell have come to visit my humble hotel?" Charlie corrected Alastor, "Our... humble hotel" she realized the mistake of interrupting them and backed off behind Alastor with everyone else.

"Why do you ask Alastor? Can I not visit my daughter's hotel?" Lucifer talked back, making a squeak come from Alastor's microphone as he accentuated the fact that this wasn't his hotel when it actually was but... he could let that slide. "But I didn't come here for Charlie today, we came here for Y/n this time" he looked straight into her eyes.

Y/n' body tensed up, Alastor moved so he was blocking the line of sight between the two of you, "And for what specifically, if, I may ask that is" the tense stare-down between the two overlords got interrupted by Lily's words, "We are not here to hurt her Al, on the contrary, we came here to apologize" Apologize? Why would the two most powerful demons in hell want to apologize to you?

"Yes, indeed..." Lucifer looked at the ground for a second, stepping to the side so he could see you face to face, "You might have figured out that I was the reason you lost your memory. I am terribly sorry about that... but! There is a reason for everything sweetie, no need to fret!" It took all of Alastor's will to not hiss or cringe at how smoothly Lucifer was talking, he hated that man with all of his emotionless heart, especially since the "smooth talk" was directed to you.

"Do you remember... anything that happened?" his piercing gaze was way more different than Alastor's one, his stare was just nerve-wracking and it made you feel uncomfortable, at least you were used to Alastor's stare, it even started to feel oddly comforting...

"Well...I'm not sure..." everyone had their eyes on you, "Does it involve anything with a... library?" the royal couple's eyes widened, you panicked "B-because I don't remember anything! But I d-dreamt about a library and then you walked up to m-me-" Lucifer stepped towards you and grabbed your arms, shaking you a little, looking at you right in your soul, "Do you remember the book Y/n?" Alastor teleported right behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders and pulling you away from the devil, "Now now there is no need to get that close to her-" 

"No" You replied confidently, shaking Alastors hands off of you, "I know I saw something I shouldn't... I just can't pinpoint what. 

Lily exhaled an "Oh my hell...", letting go of the breath she was holding in. Lucifer also looked relieved. "This is... a bit of a long story... mind if we sit down and talk about it?" 


You all sat down at a table in the breakfast room, Lucifer and Lily were sitting across from you, Charlie and Vaggie sitting next to them meanwhile Alastor and Angel Dust were sitting next to you. What they explained were mostly connecting points to things you already knew, they explained that when working at the castle as a maid, the big trial of "trust" was a specific cabinet in Lucifer's studio. They told everyone the dream you had that night, aka what happened before you lost your memory, "The book you took is forbidden for all demons to read... since it's the key to enter heaven" everyone gasped, "You were the maid who lasted longer without getting tempted to read the book, we really trusted you..." both Lucifer and Lily looked down.

You shifted in your seat, "I'd like to defend myself somehow...But I don't remember why I did so..." 

Liar, you do

The aggression witch the voice spoke startled you, it seemed almost.. angry?

"All I can say... even if I don't expect you to believe me... is that what happened probably was a misunderstanding, I couldn't care less about-" 

Going to heaven, you never wanted to go to heaven

A sudden ringing headache made you excuse yourself and went for the bathroom, a pair of worried eyes looked at you until you disappeared out of view. Shutting the bathroom's door behind you, you washed your face as it started speaking again.

You are so close to remembering! Why don't you allow me to help!

"You gave me a headache! It doesn't really help does it!" the voice had helped you this far, but why was it pressing you this much now? What was it trying to imply? 

Look Y/n, if you remember, everything will go back like it used to! And I assure you I will leave-

"You know what?!" you clenched your fist, "I don't know how my life was before this! And I enjoy how my life is going right now! Maybe I don't want to remember! What is the point to remember how I was and how I lived when it won't feel like my life either way!" Y/n half screamed, the voice didn't dare to reply.

Tears rolled down your cheek,  sliding your back on the wall until you sat down, you grabbed your legs and held them close to your chest, "But it hurts... There is something that keeps pushing me to remember! Something important!" Your sobs were probably loud enough for anyone near the bathroom door to hear, but at this point, what If they heard you cry? What if they heard you talk to yourself? Did it really matter at this point?

I'm sorry...

Y/n grabbed a tissue out of her pocket and rubbed her eyes, "w-why are you apologizing?" 

The thing that pushes you to remember... that might be me

The world froze

"W-what... who are you?"

But the voice didn't reply




So I realized that at the start of December this story will become one year old! So, I decided to see if I could finish it before then, I won't promise anything, but I will try.

I also honestly don't remember where I was going where this story, so sorry if the plot makes a sudden 360, I'm doing my best I swear XD

Thank you for everyone who decided to wait patiently for me to post, you guys are amazing <3

Also who is the voice? Any theories? Go wild in the comments :) I'll make sure to read them

-Gost UwU

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