No memories to remember

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(Alastor POV)

Alastor had awakened almost an hour ago, he was used to getting up early and usually, he took advantage of the situation and started working right away, fewer demons were around so he could enjoy Pentagram city at best since the streets were for once peaceful, well, for how much peaceful hell could be that is.

But today, he didn't go anywhere, why? He had an appointment with Y/N.

How lovely was that girl! Alastor enjoyed her company very much, which was strange since he was the radio demon, a cold-hearted killer.
Yet he found himself enjoying the girl's company:
She trusted him and acted normal around him, which was quite a rare sight in hell, and most importantly, she treated him like a normal person.

He knew Y/N would go and have breakfast at any point now so he decided to go down to the lobby and wait for her there.
As he turned around from the window he was staring at to get his red long coat a frantic knock at the door interrupted his action.

"Hey Smiley! Open the door w-we got an emergency!"

He recognized Angel dust voice and sighed.
He was the last person he wanted to deal with right now.

"Angel dust I don't have time for your emergency's, I have an appointment in about-"
" Something bad happened to Y/N you need to help us! "

Something bad? To Y/N?
Who dared to touch that cinnamon roll-

"Did you say something bad happened
to Y/N?"

Alastor swung the door open startling both Angel dust and Vaggie. A bit of statics could be heard in his voice.

Angel dust and Vaggie looked at each other in confusion
" Y-yes she's currently in the lobby with Charlie but we need both yours and Vaggie's help-"

"Let's not waste any more time and go help our friend!"
He said while hastily heading to the elevator, almost leaving out the other two demons.


"I guess it explains your fangs and Angel dust's spider appearance..."

As the elevator doors opened he turned the corner that conducted in the lobby:

" Y/N! My dear is everythi-"

He froze as the two girls stared at him in confusion.


(Y/N POV )

After the shocking information she received, the blond-haired girl explained to her what was hell, why people looked weird here and summarized the concept of the happy hotel.
Yet every time she asked the demon why they knew her name...she changed the subject immediately, without any attempts at hiding it.

"I guess it explains your fangs and Angel dust's spider appearance..."
You thought out loud, saying it more for yourself than to answer her. As you were about to ask where the four-armed creature went you were interrupted by a loud voice:

" Y/N! My dear is everythi-"

A very tall red demon turned the corner and froze as he stared at you in complete shock.
A few seconds later Angel dust appeared, behind him, a long white-haired girl with an X on her eye appeared too.

"Alastor! Vaggie! I'm sorry if Angel disturbed you but as you can see we have a bit of a problem here"
The girl that presented herself as Charlie spoke to presumably her friends. Pointing at
Y/N at the end of the sentence.

" Oi smiley! Starting at her won't change her condition "
Angel dust said as he lazily sat on a couch, the other demon sat near Charlie and presented herself as Vaggie.

The red tall demon snapped out of whatever he was thinking of and asked a confusing question:
"Why are we all presenting to Y/N? She already knows our names"

I already knew their names?
No...I didn't... I've never seen any of them...or did I?

"This is the problem Alastor! She doesn't remember anything!"

Alastor ( that is the name Charlie said right? I kinda like it...) seemed shocked at her statement, and honestly, so was I.

"Remember what?"
I tilted my head as I watched Charlie, waiting for an explanation.

"Well, you see Y/N..."
Charlie started, as she turned to face me, her eyes glancing towards her friends.

"Yesterday, you were a demon, just like us! And now... You are a human with no memories of us... Of hell... Of the past two years you have been living with us"

Everyone in the room gasped, eyes widened and left with no words...
You...knew them all?
You tried to remember anything...but you now had no more memories to remember.

Oooooooo... What a twist!
I'm sorry if the chapters are short but this is the only way I can post consistently :/
Hope you enjoined! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Forgot to be in love - Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now