Tea or Coffee?

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" Wow! Alastor this place is huge! " Your eyes were sparkling with excitement as he opened the door to his mansion.
"Yes, I specifically asked it to be spacious, this gentleman had a few favors he owned me, so he repaid me with this, I have to say, beautiful property"
He hanged both of your coats as you both stepped in.

" Oh! A chessboard! Wanna play a game? I bet I can beat ya!"
You sounded like a child on Christmas day... He loved it.
"Sure sweetheart, but I have my doubts about that"
He teased as he went to light up the fireplace

"I'm sure I'll surprise you~" you teased back as you seat down.
"I'm sure about that my dear. Before we start our match, do you prefer tea or coffee?"


You awakened from the deep sleep you fell into after collapsing on the floor of the hotel lobby.
A light headache was indulging you to fall asleep again, so you forcedly opened your eyes.
The room was dark, enough light passed from under the door, allowing you to barely see. With all of your strength, you pulled yourself to a sitting position and examined your surroundings.

You blinked in shock as the realization hit you:
The disposition of the room was different. Mirrored, you could say.
An old classic armchair was located in a corner of the room, in front of it, cartons, five cartons if we want to be specific.

All of the events of the other day came collecting in your mind:
You were supposed to move to Alastor's house! And you definitely did, since this was not your room, but that meant... He moved everything for you!
Your mood went down at the thought, feeling bad for pretty much forcing him to do all the work...

You could have helped him...

His gentleman manners tho probably weren't gonna allow you to pick up a box even if you begged. You made a mental note to thank him later.

You debated if to get up or stay in bed but the bedside table captured your attention. On top of it, there was a glass of water, a note and a...
You weren't able to see what it was so you reached out and grabbed it.

A phone?

But not some normal smartphone, nononono, it was one of those old phones with the keypad.
Jeez, this was one of your first phones.

You put down the phone and picked up the note, the calligraphy was pretty but slightly messy.
You recognized Charlie's handwriting without even needing to check the bottom of the note, turning on the lamp next to you, you started reading :

Dear Y/N

I'm guessing you will be reading this tomorrow so I will tell you what happened yesterday after you fainted :
We had a bad time trying to keep you out of sight from any demons, luckily, Alastor can teleport, so we took you to your room.
There, Alastor decided to make you move regardless of your condition.
Vaggie and I wanted to talk to you before you moved but, under these circumstances, a letter should be enough.

We couldn't find your phone so we gave you another one... I know it isn't the BEST of phones but we couldn't find anything better! sorry!
Since Alastor's mansion is far away from the city, we put in the phone mine and Vaggie's phone number so, in case of any emergency, or if you are just bored, you can call us!
I will do my absolute best to find out what happened to you Y/n! I promise!

From Charlie with love

She is such a sweet soul

"I agree with you for once"
Charlie was indeed a beautiful person, independent, kind, polite, determined and the list could go on and on. A literal angel in hell.

You placed the glass you had previously drunk from on the bedside table, pushing yourself off of the bed and heading for the curtains.
As you swung them open red feeble light fill your room. On the other side of the glass, trees filled the big frame. You were in a forest.

You remember Charlie and Vaggie mentioning that Alastor's home was far away from the city... but in the middle of a forest?!

After finding the crate labeled "Clothing", you changed into a light-blue sweater and a pair of comfortable black trousers. Stopping by the bathroom that was fortunately inside the room.

Closing the door of your new room behind, the corridor you found yourself into was relatively short: to your right, two doors facing each other and at the end a double door, you guessed it was Alastor's room.
The other side was mirrored, but this time, the double door was open, letting a yellow light guide you to the living room.

A strong scent filled your nostrils as you admired no other than the entrance of the mansion.

A big double staircase guided your gaze to the bottom floor, in the center of it was a big couch with a coffee table, two armchairs similar to the one in your room were facing each other, a chessboard lied in the middle of them.

The right stairway guided you to a happy hum coming from what you assumed was the kitchen.
Now that you paid attention, a coffee cent had invaded the whole room, covering its original one.

You carefully stepped towards the black&white tiles of the kitchen as the white lamp momentarily blinded you, the sweet hum grew louder and louder as it suddenly stopped, a surprised noise escaped him.

"Ah! Dear Y/N! Good morning, you are finally awake! Did you sleep well?"

As your eyes adjusted to the light, the tall red demon greeted you with his creepy ever-present smile.

"Good morning Alastor" you yawned and stretched. "What time it is? It feels like I've been sleeping for years"

His grin grew wider as he pulled out a chair from the small table for you to sit down.

"Well my dear...after you fainted you never woke up so... You have slept for 20 hours! That is almost an entire day."

A day?! You really had slept THAT much?! That was quite terrifying and impressive at the same time!

"Oh! D-did I? I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."
You played with your fingers in your lap, feeling embarrassed as you apologized for something that wasn't really even your fault.

"Don't be embarrassed my dear~ You shouldn't apologize, here, "
he said as he placed in front of you a plate of delicious-looking pancakes
" You must be hungry, please eat. Also, do you prefer tea or coffee?"
I'm so sorry guys I wasn't able to post earlier !!!

The holidays arrived, we had guests until today and a writer block hit me hard 😩!

I felt so bad that I wasn't able to post anything until now but THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE ONE THOUSAND READSSSSSS!!!!!! 

I'm happy you are all liking this story and I have big projects for it too!!!

Hopefully, I will be able to get back on something that looks like a schedule 😅

Happy ( late ) Christmas and a happy 2020!!!

- Gost 💖

Forgot to be in love - Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now